if you're sure you can't cut yourself then you should be okay. from the images you posted, the edges seemed a bit sharp and raggedy, hence the comment. I've used a dremel drill for stuff like that in the past with pretty good results.
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Raggedy yes, sharp no. I have a two year old so safety was a concern of mine from the beginning. If they get dropped and busted that is a different story, not much I can do there. I have gone as far as to flex seal the edges to make things easier but the goal is to get into a glass/tile shop with the right tools I can use as mentioned in the post.
that look's kind of cool too lol - but yeah, kids was one of my first thoughts too, so I'm glad you've covered all your angles
CYA is a top priority. I try to stay positive and not let potential negative outcomes effect my decision making that much. Very much a work in progress though.
perhaps I'm a bit too far on the opposite end of that lol
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