Socialism is great, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, says those who are either in complete denial, or at the top of the food chain and benefit from all the "redistribution" it brings with it. That's the problem with joining a cult. This applies to most things, from politics, to religion, to "causes", and perhaps even less realized, to groups such as "police", "military", and even "my sports team". It's our group against the world. Everyone else is evil. The world is black and white, it's us against them. And best of all, cycles don't exist, things just get better all the time, with a bit of help (of course) from your friendly government bureaucracy controlling the levers of life for you in the background...
Most political systems are generally divided into two main parties (left and right), which is often perceived as right and wrong by the other side. Three viable parties would just be too much "free choice" for most of us to "deal" with. What makes things worse, especially for those who are incapable of thinking "outside their box" and accepting that cycles exist, is that the devil works in mysterious ways. When too many people wholeheartedly give over their life and soul without question, inevitably the devil appears to turn everything on its head. What better way to take maximum advantage of people while they still mindlessly defend their cult party right down to the inevitable crash and burn (and then some). Do you ever get that feeling that suddenly in society everything that once seemed wrong in the most vile of ways, is suddenly reversed, normalized, and even promoted as the "right way" to live? Idiocracy no longer seems far-fetched, at all.
It's the same with politics. Lean too far one way, corruption runs rampant, and the rubber-band will snap back the other way as suffering overtakes ideology, if it can. This is rarely a problem with the conservative "right". Somehow they are always portrayed as the "evil money people", or a bunch of nutty religious fanatics (unless you're a sharia-toting muslim, then you're welcome to hate on women and eat cats and dogs for dinner along with your fellow "feminists" and "gay rights" vigilantes, you know, because of religious tolerance). So the "natural solution" is easy, just swing back a bit and take the power away from all those ego-maniacal right-wing evildoers.
The real problem comes when all parties are so corrupt (often through collusion) there is just no place to run, and the more these people become entrenched like a well-burrowed tick under your skin, the harder they are to remove. And worse of all, instead of facing the problem, most people would rather bury their heads than realize "wait a second", people like Hillary Clinton are as corrupt (if not moreso) than many leaders of the world's worst banana republics.
But vote for her anyway, she's with the party of the people (along with that terrific uber-rich guy George Soros who supports her so he's okay, for social justice, for whatever, just accept what I say, ignore what I do. You're just to stupid to understand it's all for you, in your best interest that I rob, steal, pillage, manipulate, and do all the upside down things that I do. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And if you're already voting far left, and everything still sucks, who else are you gonna vote for that's "in your best interest"? Gotta keep trucking forward regardless, we're just not "left" enough, maybe full outright communism was onto something after all. How about a vote for that "green party"? Because I TRUST they will finally do right by us.
Sometimes, things just go too far and there is no easy way out of the hellish abyss. That includes Venezuela, along with countless other horror stories throughout history, as depicted in this recent Ami Horowitz short documentary, "What’s wrong with socialism?":
Extremes apply to everything, including application of technology. For all the great advances we've seen, I always imagined how cool it would be to sit on a beautiful beach watching the waves roll by while lying in bed with my VR goggles. Unfortunately, I recently awakened to the realization that some of my worst fears of the future of technology may be more likely to materialize. Humanity always seems to find a way to take things to extremes (the passions of man and all), and this more than plausible future reality certainly seems par for the course. Meet techno-hell on earth, otherwise known as HYPER-REALITY:
Keep the Balance my Friends, and avoid cults at all cost...
Commies should be gassed lol.
I don't think you are critiquing socialism at all, but rather the failing political system which exists in the USA.
did you watch the Ami video I included about socialism in Venezuela? Apparently, all the socialists interviewed in New York City were the ones who thought "socialism is great"! After all the Venezuelan people have been through, they are now the ones who seem much more "awake" than those in the U.S. (certainly, at least, than those who were asked in the video). Cuba is any great example of the "virtues" of socialism.
Socialism is excellent, so long as it is voluntary.
Clearly, that is not the kind of socialism you are talking about, but that is the kind of language I would like to see changed.
It is Statism that is dangerous, and it is dangerous in all of its forms. A monopoly of violence should be seen as what it is and shunned.
Most ideologies -- when taken to their extreme-- tend to become toxic. I was born and raised in a somewhat free-market Social Democracy (Denmark) and that's a very different interpretation of "socialism." Totalitarian regimes like Venezuela's are hardly representative... like the old USSR, calling it "socialism" was just putting a fancy dress on something much darker and more nefarious.
That HyperReality clip... looks like what all those people who lose themselves playing Second Life are working towards. No thanks!