Think to meditate

in #life8 years ago


One of the common misconceptions about meditations if not the most common is " dont have thoughts" one cannot stop the brain from generating thoughts, espcially in the first steps to meditations when the body and mind both are new to stillness, the brain must resist the new habbit, and if person resist back here we go with a self feeding loop, and as we have talked many times, whatever you focus on...grows.

In meditation you may or you may not have thoughts, but what you should practice is NOT JUDGING THOSE THOUGTS, once one judge any thought being good thought or a bad thought, the second thing will happen is generating feelings towards it, which in turn makes rhe person connects to the source of that feeling and all of that takes away any kind of benefit of meditation.

When you dont judge the idea and just let it pass, you remain calm and balanced, and here is when our mind operates on Alpha brain waves which we talked of two days ago. And by then you achieve the goal of meditation which is not letting it control you.

Be aware, be conscious, dont pay intention...and live along happy and content...


Some good advise here. Yes, it's really how we choose to relate to the thoughts that inevitably arrive. Neither judging, grasping on to, or attempting to avoid them in any way. Just watching the big show unfold as it will. Thanks for this!

And thanks for your beautiful spirit for those words, glad it resonated with you...

Namaste 🙏