To live well

in #life7 years ago

8 Simple tips to quickly live up the mood of the job

Is the energy low in your workgroup? Many sighs and rolling eyes? Carelessness?

If the labor morale is low you must step up as a manager. You may not be able to influence what's happening in the organization at large, but there's a lot you can do in that little one.

Alright, 8 tips that quickly revive the mood!

1. Preview a good example

Stress and negativity are extremely contagious. It's postive mood too! Avoid complaints and work with a positive attitude every day. Criticize less and smile more often! Take part in snack bars and lunch breaks sometimes. Tell you fun things about and interest you in your colleagues' stories. Others look forward to understanding what's happening in your business - your mood can indicate the tone of the whole workgroup.

2. Attention to good efforts

People want to be seen. Tell your employees when they do a good job. Or write a small note. Look for good efforts and you will find them! Keep in mind not only to praise a few high priests. Be sure to pay attention to everyone - and bend off them so you do not miss anyone.

3. Start the communication

Be available and interested. Make it easy for employees to ventilate their views. Meet them individually or in small groups to meet the problems and challenges they face. Avoid large groups because it's hard to make their voice heard. Act on the most important issues - and if you can not do anything, do not forget to tell it and why.

4. Do not give in details

Detail management reduces employees' scope and takes on both well-being and motivation. Interest yourself instead of your duties and look for obstacles you can eliminate.

5. Crumble your sleeves

Help. If you sometimes perform a task that a fellow worker is struggling with, it raises the motivation. In addition, you get a completely different understanding of the employee's work situation and challenges.

6. Find out on little surprises

Keep track of your employees' interests and interests. When someone has done something special, surprise him or her with the person's favorite goodies. Celebrate special events in your colleagues' lives - such as birthdays, weddings and births - with favorite cakes and favorite flowers. Everyone appreciates small surprises, but what gives a golden edge is that you have time to find out and remember things they will actually appreciate.

7. Organize something out of the ordinary

Bringing buns to a snack in the afternoon is a nice gesture, but maybe not enough to lift the mood. Do something different. Use a massage therapist one day so colleagues can enjoy relaxing massages. Or arrange a team building activity, either yourself or with professional help.

8. Build a culture of trust

Trust is all in a relationship. It applies not only to romantic and friendly relationships, but also to relationships at work. Trust is based on a number of ways. Keep your word. Do what you say you should do. Keep the communication up (tip 2). Provide constructive feedback. Talk about others with good intentions. Allow employees to make decisions. If your employees feel you have confidence in them, they will work hard for the business.

Do not forget to enjoy yourself! In the end, the goal is to create a meaningful and stimulated work environment not only for your group, but for you as well.

Good luck!
