Here are a few tips on dealing with crocodiles if you come across them on holiday.
Firstly if you find yourself surrounded by crocodiles then don't run, just sit down calmly and wait for them to walk past.
Next up is don't be tempted to feed your children to them so you can escape as this will annoy the wife.
If a very large crocodile is sunbathing with it's mouth open, don't take this as a chance to get an awesome selfie. Placing babies in their mouth could lead to a loss of an arm, and baby if the croc sneezes.
Always be aware of your surroundings and any place a crocodile could hide, you don't want one sneaking up behind you.
I hope these simple tips will help if you ever find yourself surrounded by crocodiles.
All images and children are mine.
No children were eaten in making this post.
incredible, to train children to be courageous indeed one way like this. understanding father, and thinking about children's education, is worth following.
Wow a great crocodile, be careful later on you bite, hope you are healthy always and away from all dangers.
I can percieve that those crocodiles in your photos are liveless
Yes, we were at a crocodile park in Spain and they were two that had died and been stuffed in the enterence to the park.
Lol, funny you. If you try all this tips with the crocodiles in my region,you wouldn't only loose your arm but your life
It's these public service announcements that will make steemit great again!
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Thanks; should come in handy. I suppose it helps if you bring some children along to throw at the crocodiles so you can escape more easily.
Children can come in handy at times like this.
Cool crocodiles, @alienbutt! Is this park in England?
It's in Spain, we used to go there a lot when the mother-in-law lived there.
It is such an awesome place! I wouldn't mind visiting a time or two myself...
I liked the crocodile story/pictures. The littlest one did not even seemed phased by it all. Nice, (dare i say it) po | | | | | st
Wow..Very funny post..I appreciate your post..Thanks for sharing this post..
Carry on your life my dear.
Wow amazing post i like this appreciate your creativity thanks for sharing this post best of luck..
Wow amazing post.....I really liked the first tip it will be really helpful during vacations:)
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