Life is too short.But we think this time is too big.You should do now what you want to do.But we keep our work and rest all the way and telling that i will do it next day.And this is the main problem of us.Life don't give us chance again and again it will chance us but not for all time or all day long. whenever u got the chance just follow and take the chance and work.
life is a game.You have to suffer a lot in this surface.if you lose you have to repeat it from there.but if you success this is the feelings you can feel. So if you feel that awesome success feelings you have to do it now whatever you want to do.
so take time and give time to yourself
supper is very importent
thank you so much for your valuable comment
life is a good one. your writhing are so good and interisting... go
thank you so much for your valuable comment
You are a good man. I like you
thank you for your comment