10 Healthy Living Habits

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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First, prioritize the consumption of whole grains and plant foods. Grains, fruits, and vegetables are considered as healthy foods. This theory is supported by The US Dietary Guidelines. Grains and plant foods are rich in nutrients that can protect the body from disease. Non-animal foods are also low in calories and cholesterol-free.

Second, try to keep the weight to stay healthy. You can eat low-calorie foods such as fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating hastily and in excessive amounts. Also keep ice cream, cheesecake, soda pop, fruit punch, and fast food from your menu list. You also need to check the body index mass and waist circumference on a regular basis. The ideal BMI is ≤25, whereas a healthy waistline is <32 "for women and <37 for men (1" = 2.54 cm).

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Third, do a regular physical activity. In a day at least you need to spend 30-60 minutes to train physically. Physical activity balances caloric intake as well as helps maintain ideal body weight. You do not have to visit the fitness center. You can do simple exercises such as walking, cycling, aerobics, to gardening.

Fourth, consumption is always fruits and vegetables. Both types of food are very good for the health of the body. In addition to useful, various fruits and vegetables are also rich in taste so as not to cause boredom. In addition to direct consumption, you can create fruits and vegetables into fresh salads or juices.

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The fifth guideline is to use healthy fats. There are four types of good fats for the body: un hydrogenated vegetable oils (canola oil, olive, soy, and corn), fat-free kinds of margarine, n-3 fatty acids (found in walnuts and soybeans), and unsaturated fat content in foods certain (avocado and beans).

Sixth, the consumption of various grains such as wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, or whole-grains in the form of intact. It can reduce the risk of heart attack, diabetes, stroke, and some types of cancer.

Seven, the consumption of nuts as a source of daily protein. In addition to rich in protein, nuts are also rich and contain healthy fats.

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Eight, select a protein source from a healthy diet. In addition to nuts, you can choose tofu, tempeh, poultry without skin, or fish instead of red meat. These foods are low in cholesterol and contain unsaturated fats.

Nine, limit milk or milk products with high-fat content. Avoid high-fat butter, cream, or cheese. Instead, use low-fat dairy products. You can also choose soy milk as an alternative.

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Finally, choose a healthy and fiber-rich source of carbohydrates. Limit consumption of carbohydrate sources that have high glycemic indexes such as white rice, white bread, and potatoes. Also, reduce the consumption of sweet foods such as candy and soft drinks. Various foodstuffs can increase blood sugar levels that trigger diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

In addition to the above ten guidelines, make it a habit to consume water. Limit also the amount of salt intake. The ideal amount of salt is 2400 mg per day. Also, try to always breakfast and always eat regularly. Fulfill also daily nutritional needs according to age and activity. To find out the daily amount of nutrients, you can consult your doctor or read the nutritional needs chart.


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I agree with you, to keep our body healthy we need nutritious foods like vegetables and fruits, and to keep the body fit we need to exercise.

Hey @alifa thanks for the great insights! How much water would you recommend to drink a day? 4 liters maybe? Would be great to have your opinion on Intermittent fasting also :-)