5 Magic Words for your Wife

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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In general is a husband who became the backbone of the family, then the wife is often advised to always try to be a figure of understanding and nurturing partner. However, in a husband-wife relationship, maintaining the coolness of the heart of the breadwinner is not the only determinant of marital harmony. A husband should also try to make his wife happy. Make no mistake, happy is not always associated with the material, just a simple trick that is generally effective to make the wife's heart flower. The simple trick in question is husband diligently pronounced the five pearl sentences below:

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I love you

Maybe this sentence is already classified as 'market', but every wife actually craves this simple sentence out of the mouth of the husband. Before going to work, when you get home after work and at certain times, the phrase 'I love you' will make the wife calmer all day full of knowing the husband, wherever he is, will always always love his wife and remember him in mind.

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You look beautiful

This sentence will make the wife feel cared for and also become more confident because motivated by the figure he loved in his life. It does not have to be when the wife is dressed or is wearing a nice outfit, her husband must say his wife is beautiful even when she wakes up.

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Thank you dear

This sentence should be spoken at all times to the wife, especially when she does various things that the husband wants. This sentence shows that the husband respects his wife for what she has done for her husband, even on a small scale. This phrase also when applied every day will make them more grateful for everything that is owned and less likely to complain.

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You're smart

Sometimes the wife feels less confident, too dependent and his brain is not as smart as his husband. This thought will prevent him from becoming a successful woman. The phrase "you are smart" will make the wife believe that her role as a woman is as important as her husband and her duties are not just housekeeping, parenting and nurturing her husband. Wife will be more moved to maximize its potential in a case that can make life and household more prosperous.

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Tell me about your day

It is generally the husband who has more stories to tell his wife back from the office, but it would be nice if the husband also asked how the wife's daily life, either at home or while working and spend time with friends. This sentence will make him happy because the husband proved to care for him and realize that the wife would have a story even though busy do not pile up like her husband.


Very good tips for husband or husband to be. I absolutly agree about that, because most of the couple forget to make something valuable in their relationship, while to reach the happiness can be done simply and it started by the easy term. Nice post... :)

thx, hope you love it :)

Agree and like it so much :)