How to forget someone quickly

in #life7 years ago

As social beings, of course, we have to interact with others. There's no way we keep locking ourselves in our room and having our own world. From this interaction then we get to know family, friends, colleagues, boyfriend, husband, or wife. As time passes, we will meet many people. From there will come love. Love is not always related to a boyfriend or lover. Love can be in any form. Love is not always happy, sometimes there are problems that then make us sink and sad unusual. Either because betrayed by friends, love who clapped one hand, cut off with boyfriend, or divorced by a spouse.

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Often when talking with love, then we will immediately remember the love in terms of dating or even husband and wife. Love in this relationship is not always smooth. Could have ended happily, up to the aisle and to death. But there are also those who have to part in the middle of the road like breaking up or divorcing. When we fall down because of the sadness of separation, we tend to isolate ourselves and try to forget the memories you experience with your partner.

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Apparently the more trying to forget, those memories will be more haunting, what else if it turns out you still love him or love him. It is not impossible if you just lazy to undergo daily activities because of a broken heart. Certainly not good. Forget about trivial things. Forgetting also requires a process and time that is not for a moment. The term now is you must move on immediately. You need help to get over him? Instead of grieving constantly, consider just a direct way to forget a loved one.

How to forget a loved one

  1. Do not be too push yourself to forget, let it flow
    Of course when the first part we will still keep remembering memories with the former. But it would be better if you do not try to keep memories with him alias forget the memories with him. But when you try to forget, do not be too push yourself to forget in a short time. How to forget someone we like is to try not to remember but not force. What do you mean? Do not emphasize to yourself that you should forget about it, just how to forget a loved one like this will make you keep remembering him. Let it flow. The important thing is to avoid remembering his memories.

  2. Avoid being alone for a long time
    In solitude this is precisely the brain will continue to play memories with him. Of course, you will be harder to forget. Do not leave yourself alone for long. But if indeed you feel you have to be alone, do not let yourself not do anything. You can try to spend time reading, watching movies, listening to music, or more useful doing the tasks you have to do.

  3. Get engaged in an activity
    Almost the same as point 2, how to forget a loved one is to keep busy yourself with various activities that make you not have time to own or do nothing. You can do it by hanging out with friends, doing the things you love, walking in the park, hanging out with family. It would be great if you are diligent exercise. In addition to the healthy body, your mind is healthy and automatically will be happy.

  4. Avoid the things that make you remember with the former
    You have social media. Block all your ex-accounts. Sadly it does sound. But if suddenly he updates the status and appears on your homepage will make you more difficult to forget him. Or you have ex-gift items. Better keep out of your sight. How can you throw away, you keep in cardboard, donated, whatever. The important thing is not the eyes. Oh yes the way to forget someone who is powerful is not to make yourself in a situation that can provoke memories that appear. Like, watching movies or romance dramas, listening to music is upset or that has to do with love-love. Guaranteed, when you are in a situation like that, the formerly shared memories will appear suddenly.

  5. Limit your interactions with him
    The former turned out to be a classmate, a campus, a workplace? Hm. Do not get too close to or interact. How to forget someone you like is effective if you do not interact with him. If he wants to invite friends first, just say that you need time to organize your heart. If it is ready you will be acting just like that is only limited to friends. The first may be awkward really. And also the people around you will feel something is wrong. But ignore it, it's for the good of yourself.

  6. Confide to the closest friends
    How to forget someone quickly next is to vent to the closest friends. Remember yes, confide in someone you really trust. Can vent to friends or parents. This is to lift the burden on your heart and mind.

  7. Interact with new people
    Try interacting with new people. Do not be afraid. In addition to adding relationships, it is not impossible that you will find a mate. Open the heart only. Do not be too close-minded. Let your wound close by itself.