Changing our minds changes the world

in #life7 years ago

Peace and love to all. My apologies for not being able to post pics or videos yet, I'm still trying to figure out how to use this platform not to mention get used to using a computer again lol, yes I have been dumbed down by the ease of mobile technology, but I'm trying my best :)

I understand that talk can be cheep, its the action that really makes things move and this is very true when we hear things like mind over matter or changing our minds can change the world.
I know these concepts sound easier said then done, but really and truly it is not, what is hard is being conditioned mind controlled or manipulated in not changing your mind or believing in yourself to be be able to change your reality.
I often hear and see out in the real world or the vr world of social media how terrible the powers that were are, and how standards of living are lowering while cost of living is always rising, it seems like things that man has created have more power then those that were the creators in the first place. When we look across the world we can see corporations that are violating nature, we can see corporations getting tax cuts and breaks when the men and women that work for these entites end up footing the bill in the end. Why is this so and how can this be and how long can we accept such conditions? There are many that believe the only way things will change is with some vast war, or some president or savior will appear and correct all the problems of the world. These beliefs in someone else doing the work to save someone else are not only disempowering but also completely out of touch with natural law. We and only we are responsible for what we believe and what we do with that belief, yes it is true for many generations we have been conditioned to follow others believe things will get better one day but we are never encouraged to think or act different to create the difference we all know we are worthy of. Many are to busy to research how we got ourselves globally into this mess of domination and control by the wealthy or a manufactured perspective threw war of disunity and disharmony amongst the human family, but only we can discover the truth of all the worlds problems by doing the work to understand our true nature the reason why the human race this family of nations is on this planet in the first place. I know many people feel that they were ment for more in this life then just working your whole life for someone else in order to just live and survive. And yet some would say that we need to work to live, however I don't think saying to live is to work is the same or would have the same belief. I share these thoughts because I myself have realized that they way I think has been limiting and also controlling the outcome of my existence, and that if I truly wanted to see human unity a free and equal quality of life for all parts of the human family could only be achieved by thinking differently and trying to act differently then I have in the past.
I understand that War is a mofo, if I can say that lightly, that our world have been consumed in the concept of division and expansion threw war division and manufactured hate. However I do believe that there is more to our human history and experience then just a war based expression...
We are the ones that have been controlled and used as a resource to back all within our existence, and the fraud and illusionary quality of life is now in double jeopardy as those that control all start to lose power and act desperately without order to hold on to what they have.
I just want to remind the reader that we are entering/have entered a new age, and in this age all shall be revealed, we no longer have to believe in something that can not be proven, that we can look to our reality and with knowledge make claim to our natural rights freedoms and liberties as equal parts of our human family.
We can believe in a new world based in respecting and honoring your mothers and fathers so that your days may be long on the earth plain. We can believe in the golden rule of do no harm, and do onto others as you would have done onto you. We can unite in the principle that being alive born of a woman and the divine feminine gives and grants us true wealth and power on the planet. We have been manipulated threw the generations to believe less in ourselves and more in things that do not have real power like fiat bank notes. Yes in the current system we depend on these bank notes but with knowledge of the self and wisdom of our history/law the understanding would be that all wealth claimed and assumed by corporate governments only come by way of a human signature on a legal instrument.

My thoughts are only food for your thoughts, and I do not claim to know more then anyone I only wish to share things to inspire the hearts and minds of men and women who love the human race and see us a family that needs unification rather then disinformation. I truly believe human unity is a key to a new level human evolution, and that we as a race evolve faster when we evolve together. Love is a Stronger frequency then hate, Love comes from the Heart but where does hate come from? We can all understand that we have a heart and can all express this universal energy of love without conditions, as we all share in this energy we will all change our reality and create the world we truly wish to see rather then the world imposed on us.

Thank you for taking the time to share in this message, I hope it is inspiring and uplifting to all who read.


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