👧🏾 How Did I Get Here? <- Motivation Day 26

in #life8 years ago



If you haven't noticed, life never turns of the way you plan!

I've been thinking about this on walks, as I work, before I fall asleep.

My life is not what I thought it'd be. And you know what?


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Actually, it's more than okay. I have one thing to say to everyone who is not where they thought they'd be, who feels like they went the wrong way and isn't sure where they got off track.

It Doesn't Matter. Figuring Out Life Isn't Your Job. LIVING IT Is!

You don't have to know the meaning to life. You probably won't ever get the answers to your whys.

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You just don't get to see the whole picture. But, you know what? You do get the best seat in the house. You get to live through each unfolding scene. So, just trust that where you are will make sense one day. That one day you'll look back to this very moment and think, "If I knew what I know now then, I would've enjoyed that moment." Give 100% and enjoy your now! Even if it doesn't look like its connected to where you want to be! Trust you Future by Living your Now!

Like Sailor Moon, Keep On Going!




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ok! Sorry. Figuring it out as I navigate!