Regardless of a large number of years of human life occupying the earth, yet at the same time a great many puzzles of this planet that isn't known to people. Thusly every time there is another types of animal development, we simply laugh in stunningness. Not to mention the layman, the researchers themselves now and again befuddled to characterize and put the new animal. The accompanying creatures have not been for quite some time known to people. Which of these do you definitely know,
Meski sudah jutaan tahun manusia mendiami bumi, tapi masih jutaan misteri planet ini yang tidak diketahui manusia. Karenanya setiap ada penemuan makhluk hidup spesies baru, kita hanya berdecak kagum. Jangankan orang awam, para ilmuwan sendiri kadang bingung menggolongkan dan menempatkan makhluk baru itu. Hewan berikut ini masih belum lama diketahui oleh manusia. Mana di antaranya yang sudah kalian ketahui
Panda ants
Panda ants. Once the name of this creature. His appearance is interesting, amazing. The name of the panda insect might be on the grounds that its body takes after ants in high contrast like pandas. Despite the fact that this creature isn't a subterranean insect and not a panda. This is a sort of winged honey bee. What's more, albeit amusing, don't set out play it in the hand. The sting was extremely solid, could incapacitate the dairy animals. The panda insect was in reality initially found in 1938 in Chile. Tragically, there are relatively few investigations on it yet.
Semut panda. Begitu nama hewan ini. Penampilannya lucu, mengesankan. Nama semut panda mungkin karena tubuhnya mirip semut dengan warna hitam putih mirip panda. Padahal hewan ini bukan semut dan bukan panda. Ini adalah sejenis tawon tak bersayap. Dan meski lucu, jangan berani-berani memainkannya di tangan. Sengatannya ternyata sangat kuat, bisa melumpuhkan sapi. Semut panda ini sebenarnya pertama kali ditemukan tahun 1938 di Cile. Sayangnya, belum banyak studi tentangnya
Tenrec. This little warm blooded animal like a hedgehog has thistles on its back. This mouse-like creature is found in Madagascar, there is additionally in Africa. Not exclusively is its fascinating appearance, this tenrec is one of a kind while protecting itself. At the point when undermined he will raise the thistles on his back. These thistles will rub against an unmistakable sound. Things being what they are the thistle sounds drives out predators, as well as calls his family. At the point when predators are searching for approaches to catch tenrec, many different tenrecs are coming in assault.
Tenrec. Mamalia kecil ini seperti landak mempunyai duri di punggungnya. Hewan sejenis tikus ini ditemukan di Madagaskar, ada juga di Afrika. Tidak saja penampilannya yang eksotis, tenrec ini unik saat mempertahankan diri. Bila terancam dia akan menegakkan duri-duri di punggungnya. Duri-duri ini akan bergesekan menghasilkan bunyi yang khas. Ternyata duri berbunyi itu bukan hanya mengusir predator, tapi juga memanggil keluarganya. Saat predator mencari cara untuk menangkap tenrec, puluhan tenrec lainnya berdatangan menyerang.
Atretochoana. This land and water proficient was first found in Madeira River, Rondonia, Brazil, in 2011. Creature that is around 70 cm long resembles a snake, yet additionally takes after a worm in expansive size. At the point when initially looked into and declared, numerous ladies felt humiliated. Truly, in light of the fact that this creature (sorry) looks like a male private parts. "From the shape and shade of the skin and the hover in the head is comparable," said an analyst.
Atretochoana. Ampibi ini pertama kali ditemukan di Madeira River, Rondonia, Brasil, tahun 2011. Hewan yang panjangnya sekitar 70-a cm ini seperti ular, tapi juga mirip cacing dalam ukuran besar. Saat pertama kali diteliti dan diumumkan, banyak perempuan yang merasa malu. Ya, karena hewan ini (maaf) mirip kemaluan laki-laki. "Dari bentuk dan warna kulitnya serta lingkaran di bagian kepalanya memang mirip," customized organization seorang peneliti.
Moth falcon
Moth falcon. This moth looks like a winged animal, yet not a feathered creature. This creepy crawly is also called Hawk Moth. This moth is the consequence of concurrent advancement, two unique living beings create comparative qualities while adjusting to a similar domain.
Ngengat elang. Ngengat ini mirip burung, padahal bukan burung. Serangga ini lebih dikenal dengan nama Hawk Moth. Ngengat ini hasil evolusi konvergen, dua organisme berbeda mengembangkan karakteristik serupa saat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang sama.
The Indian frog is purple
The Indian frog is purple. This weird frog was first found in the mountains of the Western Ghats, India. All his life was spent underground. Discovering his nourishment utilizing his long tongue, down and getting ants or creepy crawlies under the ground. This purple Indian frog is the aftereffect of endless advancements. Once out of the ground this frog is just to mate. Still yell like a typical frog, yet his voice looks like a chicken.
Katak India ungu. Katak aneh ini pertama kali ditemukan di pegunungan Ghats Barat, India. Sepanjang hidupnya dihabiskan di bawah tanah. Mencari makannya menggunakan lidahnya yang panjang, menyusuri dan menangkap semut atau serangga di bawah tanah. Katak India ungu ini merupakan hasil dari evolusi berkali-kali yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Sekalinya keluar tanah katak ini hanya untuk kawin. Masih bersahutan seperti katak biasa, tapi suaranya menyerupai ayam.
it's so cute, very funny creature :D