It's a every day story in delhi. I have seen many so called educated people work in big corporates and MNC but when they come on road they become literally illiterate. Don't understand why they think that if they won't follow rules then it's time for them to show off their high status. Driving wrong side, honking, crossing red light, driving without seat belt, fighting on road specially when they are wrong it's daily story in delhi. Specially who is driving luxury cars they feel like the road is their own property. People in delhi have no patience to wait for red light or any vehicle to pass by. Pedestrian's situation is worst in Delhi. You can not walk safely in road as you never know who will hit you from any side. I am in Singapore currently and here people follow traffic rules strictly. First you will hardly hear any horn here. Here every signal have light for pedestrians for both way crossing and once that light is green then you can cross road even with your closed and none of the car will ever dare to cross the red light.Here road accidents are les than 1%. I am not admiring singapore but I really want to see this kind traffic culture in India. It's not difficult if we all come together because only govt can not do anything. It's our responsibility to follow rules properly and become liberal for others on road.
Thanks for touching this topic.
This is a very serious issue in India dear @firepower
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I know how crazy it is in Delhi. I lived there a little over 4 years and im glad i don't live there. It's just lucky if you don't get hit a big city like Delhi or Bangalore crossing the roads! :)
well said about Delhi @firepower I never been to Bangalore but heard thru friends that situation is almost same there like Delhi. Don't know when will people start understanding the importance of traffic rules. I really hope to see it improving. Lets hope for the best.