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RE: Lucid Dreaming, 5 Levels of Power ~TnkPsychology

in #life8 years ago

Cool post! Love the pics! I used to study lucid dreaming and I was even able to induce some lucid dreams. It is soooo cool when you actually pull it off. It's like stepping into an animation or something. It's hard to explain. But, when you first do it, you get so excited that you lose it pretty quickly. Then, you learn to hold it longer. After you do the test of "Am I Dreaming?" And then your consciousness switches to lucid mode and if you feel it slipping, you spin your dream body and you can hold it. Then, you can do whatever you want -- fly, go to another country, go to the moon, face fears, ask for insight into something or whatever. I mean, it is really cool man.

I haven't done it in many years though. I stopped doing it because I got scared of getting to where I didn't know if I was in a dream or awake, like in that movie Inception (great movie!). But, yeah, it's for real.


Been there :P After been trapped in a loop of dreams I was afraid to stand up cause I could still be dreaming and fly to the ceiling :P