Great post! It's great to see a written post from you - not that I don't enjoy the podcasts, because I really do, but when it's written out I get to take more time combing through the points. Plus I can easily highlight awesome quotes like this one:
very apparent that it is not terrorism that now concerns the everyday suburban family, but rather the "protective measures" their government is introducing. Yet it is a self fulfilling prophecy because it is the actions of the Government themselves, in their great rush to lock their countries down before the population wakes up and realises the place is being run by criminals, which is awakening the people to just how corrupt their governments truly are.
The division that they have created is probably the most fine tuned propaganda of all time.. I wrote about this recently myself.. I guess because I happen to be lucky enough to see the big picture I just cannot understand how people get so caught up in fighting among each other when it's REALLY (and has always been) the 99% against the 1% - we lose all our power when we divide ourselves up into these "liberal boxes" - This is not freedom, it is a false sense of it which allows you to choose between what they deem acceptable. Where is sovereignty? I'm beginning to think it is a myth - like the unicorn.
5G and the smart grid + social crediting should be our highest priority right now yet people are too addicted to their cellphones and social media - they will not give them up. I hope posts like this with 561 views on it will really start to make a difference because just small me screaming from my blog and little town in the U.S. is not reaching many lol Keep Steemin' @maxigan