There is a high probability that any given One, wearing some silly dress with badge and hat, is a psychopath — top-down controlminds promote Them, and power over Others draws Them. Me? When approached by one of these People, I ask Them if I know Them. If They claim "authority" over Me, offering to make Me subject to the system They think has authority over Me, I will not create controversy by refusing Their offer, but make a counteroffer: I will be happy to [do what You ask, give You My name, whatever] IF You prove I am subject.
Yes, They may choose to bully Me, but all that proves is that They can be bullies, and not that I am subject to any "authority."
Meanwhile... I work to build a better foundation from which a truly free and healthy society can emerge, one that promotes the CARING Ones to take care of things. To that end, I link here My short playlist (less than 1 hour's worth of vid). Please watch on YouTube, as You'll only see the first vid here (and apologies for the squeaks in the sound of the first one — the free software I use added them; I found a workaround for the subsequent vids):
Thanks for your comments, Il check this video out
Humble thanks!