Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover up and decoration.But as goes by,what is true is revealed and what is fake fades away.
Our need to be "greater than" or "less than" has been a defense against toxic shame.A shameful act was committed upon us the perpetrator walked away leaving is with shame.We absorbed the notion that we are somehow defecive.To cover for this self that is the overachiever on the dunce,the tramp or puritan,the poweranger or the pathetic loser.
Yes, I agree sometimes we feel shameful for what someone has done wrong against us but we must overcome by releasing that person's energy from us. The start is forgiveness not that they were right but for ourselves to separate them from our conscious/subconsciousness. It can be difficult but a must.
It is nice to admit than to deny ,thank you very much for reading