Mercury Is Going Retrograde September 2016

in #life8 years ago

What does mercury retrograde mean?

When mercury is retrograde it appears as if the planet is moving backwards in the sky (even though it actually isn't.) This phase lasts for about 3.5 weeks and then it appears to be moving forward again. It is believed that during this time period certain things in someones life can be affected and things should be avoided.

Mercury's retrograde period will start August.30 - September.22 in the planet Virgo.

Mercury is connected to communication, listening, speaking, reading, writing, buying selling, and contracts.

It is believed that you shouldn't make important moves in these areas during this period or that aspects of each can be difficult to reach without a lot of effort. If you do move forward on the following things you will find that you will have to revise things once the period is over as mistakes can happen.

There are certain things you should avoid during this period such as :

  • Signing contracts or make new agreements
  • Launch a magazine or website
  • Get plastic surgery
  • Be careful when sending important documents or e-mails and make sure you have extra copies
  • Computer crashes or issues are more common, so back-up your computer in advance
  • Don't buy or sell anything expensive or you may regret your purchase later
  • Wait to buy electronics during this time too
  • Bring extra gas, GPS and directions if you are driving somewhere for long distances
  • Relationship communication can be off during this time so don't say or do anything as you might later regret it once the period is over
  • Do expect delays about certain things

There are benefits to Mercury going retrograde and they are :

  • Giving you time to stop and think and re-evaluate
  • Gather additional details
  • Not making quick decisions
  • Lost items seem to always pop up during this time
  • You might hear from people you haven't talked in a while
  • The truth about things usually come fourth
  • Do finish anything you have started, but don't start anything new

At the end of the day, you can do whatever you like with your life. These are just tips from astrologers about what this time period entails in terms of things you should/ shouldn't do as it is a significant time in the sky above us that does affect us here on earth.


Great to see Astrological writings on this platform!

Some good recommendations here for dealing with this phenomena.

An alternative perspective I developed from my own experiences with Merc retrograde is that the things that break down during this period are things that hinder communication with the higher-self. Anything that you are over-reliant upon or is 'false'may be disrupted so that the Uranian aspect of consciousness can seep through; given that Mercury serves as a bridge to both Jupiter - the intuitive mind- and Uranus - the supra-mind.

When retrograde, Mercury may draw attention to modes of communication that no longer serve the goal of evolution, or that need to be purified and refined for growth to remain unfettered.

Yeah, I agree! If something isn't working during this period it gives you time to re-evaluate what you really should be doing or focusing on for your ultimate higher good

Ughhhh gotta start mentally preparing for retrograde. I always seem to have such a hard time, as I know many people do. Oh well. Gotta take the bad with the good. :) We'll make it!

haha we can do it! Just look on the bright side, it will be over within less than a month :)

Retrograde aside, these tips are actually good for just being smart and wise about making decisions and daily living. This also reminds me of trusting and following your intuition.

Yeah it's good to follow these tips regularly! These things are affected more during this period and you need to be extra mindful