I really tried to give a critical response to the Instagram user but I couldn't.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today I came across an image of an user that I'm very happy to follow, she was on the "bachelor" television show with Ben Higgins.

source I saw this program four years ago and that changed to @Amanda_stanonn life

Inside the instagram
image.pngSince then the program has been seen in the @Amanda_stanonn index page

I'm glad to see that someone's life has really changed for the better because of a TV show.
Of course, she can make a living from advertising in Instagram and she's really popular!

She really looks like a good person and she has two very sweet girls!

I'll tell you the truth, at least from the images in Instagram and the video clips she advertises, the girls seem too spoiled
cute isn't she?
But I responded to her next comment on the post even though she probably will not even see it.I wander around Instagram and I suddenly see a picture of the lovely girl of @amanda_stanonn in the incubator celebrating a birthday.

"Looks like you spoil your kids too much"

I continued to scroll down the instagram and told myself it was a hurtful response.

And I decided to erase it (although she probably would not see it)

Because I really do not want to hurt her or her girls, but when you write a response you really need to think about whether you can read your reaction as constructive criticism or as bad criticism.
It can be very confusing, and one must not forget that there is a person on the other side.

I know that the media educates us to say bad reviews or whatever, but to keep quiet is also okay if many were silent about this picture she would probably realize that something is wrong with the picture.
You do not have to say bad and hurtful things (even if you do not mean).

what do you think?
I will finish with this hilarious video.

What do you think?
לוגו מאריאנארט.png


Yes, you are right, people often do not think about it when they comment. At the moment, writers come to mind. This is unfortunately the speed factor of social media. To respond quickly. We are writing without thinking about ourselves. This can be really annoying. Your comment is also a normal comment under normal circumstances. But for getting used to applaud by the other people. The misunderstanding is normal. If it were not a celebrity but an ordinary person. He knew he'd give him advice. In short, it is good that you do not write comments @amiramnoam

Very good replies

thanks a lot

I don't know if you right but nice comment.
סטים חתימת פוסט.png

Nice comment for a normal person. Celebrities or phenomena do not give the same result to people.. This is one of the evils that social media has done to us. @amiramnoam

Agree with you on this.

yes social media has such negative sides especially on a common platform like instagram. Unfortunately, some people get a success without deserving.

OMG! I'm in love with Jimmy Kimmel's celebrities read mean tweets. I watched it all.
And I agree with you, sometimes it's too easy to write a bad comment towards a celebrity or anyone because it's through the computer and not in real life. most of the people won't dare say the same in real life.

Hi yaird how are you you are scceesssteemer

Such kind of deep thinking you own entails that you are a good person. But, Media, really, has spoiled life because the majority of people are looking for money everywhere despite the fact that there many things that you would never buy them with money, love.
In the ealier decades, people care not for money but for love which is lost in these days due to Media, especially social ones!

I do not know AMANDA, but it is already in famous lives. they have a luxurious lifestyle because they are always on the lookout. and this luxury has a shape of life and a person can spoil a little.@amiramnoam

maybe you right.

I think public people (celebrities and stars) must teach themselves not to react on negative replies at all. It can be difficult because we all are people, alive people, but she made her choice when she came on the TV-show, and now milions know her and not anyone loves her. It's a fact and she mustn;t fight with it at all. Somebody loves her, other don't love - it ok.
In Russia we say "I'm not money to be liked by anyone"-)

We have many Insta stars in Russia too, and I often see many quarrels in comments when celebrities start to reply on negative comments and protect themselves. It's stupid waste of time and nerves I think.

Many men - many minds, let people think what they like to think)
Only we know who we are and what we are-)
(P.S. I'm not an Insta user, I just see it in news sometimes-)

ביקורת בונה היא כזו שהאדם ששומע אותה יכול לקבל אותה וללמוד ממנה, זה תלוי בין היתר בהיכרות שלך עם האדם - אם הוא מכיר אותך ובוטח בך - יותר סביר שהוא יפתח עליך ויתן לדברים שלך להגיע אליו בכלל, עוד עניין חשוב הוא הצורך בהעברת ביקורת מנומקת היטב - חשוב שהאדם אליו מופנית הביקורת יבין בדיוק איך את מבין את המצב ומה הנקודות עליהן אתה מעביר את הביקורת - אחרת הוא פשוט יחשוב לעצמו "הוא בכלל לא מבין את המצב/ הוא לא יודע את כל הפרטים" ויתעלם ואפילו יפגע.

כל הכבוד נעם על זה שמחקת את התגובה, נכון שלא סביר שהיא תראה אותה אבל זה ישר מצידך 😊

Paul Rudd was the best one!
I can just assume all these twitts actually did hurt them.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed. I also started following you to see more of your work!

Social media has put people under the impression that their opinions are super important and need to be heard. Things you wouldn't say to someone in person, so easily flows off of your finger onto a keyboard.

@amiramnoam please help me i need your help reply please


Thank You my friend,,,
Actually My Uncle Was accedent With a bus yesterday... He was very weak now her need operation many money needed but haven't money...If You want you can help him to...
I know many Steemit friend not believe anyone but as your wish if you help him...

Thank You

I know you're also honest and kind @amiramnaom

@myeasin what's wrong with you

It's the old email scam of "I got stuck in NYC without money!" but now on Steemit.

מוזר אה?
אם הוא רוצה שיכתוב פוסט שהוא צריך עזרה.
יש בעיה עם אנשים כאלה, לא בגלל שיש לי בעיה לתרום לייק פשוט כי זה יהרוס את הייעוד של הפלטפורמה
ואז לא יהיה למי לתרום ואיך..
סטים חתימת פוסט.png

כן, אבל במקרה הזה אני בטוח שהוא משקר וסתם מחפש הצבעה@amiramnoam

Thanks brother for sharing a good information for us..

@amiramnoam not everybody can take constructive criticism very well most especially if you are a stranger.Any advise given might come out as an insult.In my opinion you were right to keep quite,only speak up if the child is in danger.

also she might be spoiling the child because the mother lacked somethings in her childhood and doesn't want the child to suffer the hardship experienced in childhood.In order not to spoil her she must satisfy the childs needs and indulge her in all her wants.

I'm glad to see that someone's life has really changed for the better because of a TV show.

Actually in life there are so many things that can change one's life,she was so lucky to findths one which transformed her life

i love this, so so beautiful

realy good video..

there are times when we must keep silent, although mistakes can also be learned

I wouldn't say say that your comment was hurtful.

It's really good to say something like that to some parents that spoil their kids.

Those kids will never grow up to be successful, and do something with their lifes.

They would be incompetent to do anything that requires hard-work and devotion, because they are used to getting everything.

wow good post for steem

nice thought

Spoiling her kid future .. you just point it out what is the right thing. Thanks .I am with you @amiramnoam evan though if it hurt them they shouldn't come to social media in first place. Secondly u didn't say anything wrong.. for sure

very nice post.....

we too will be like them if the spirit of life is still there and trying hard.

Sadly that's true, a lot of social media influencers spoil their children a lot. What's sadly is that sometimes they are exposing too much of the children privacy/ personal life in exchange to some money and numbers :(

sometimes we do not think what or what can change our fate. I really like your post. thank you

It really isn't up to anyone to tell someone how to treat their kids, with the exception of close friends and family that are entrusted to be able to solicit advice.

It's good that you recognised this.

It is important to criticize, but we must be respectful when criticizing people.some people get a success without deserving. and I hate those people

though social media like facebook,skype,instagram has good side, it also has some negitive sides. we all should ignore the negetive sides. we must follow the positive sides. and specially thank you for sharing such a imfortive post. good job

someone vote me please.....

You shouldn't have deleted your post, if you actually think her daughter is being a little so spoiled you should say it, maybe she doesn't realize that and needs someone to tell her...
And i don't think she would get hurt because someone random person told her that on the internet, she would probably think that you were actually concerned about her daughter.

I was going to make an instagram account but they don't pay. Sola does and there is another one too.

I think that when you put something on the internet, you already agree with the fact that you will receive not only good comments, but also comments you don’t like. I think you should leave your comment and I don’t see anything offensive in this. Don’t be afraid of giving your sincere feedback!

I think you did the right thing. Even if your thoughts were true, you should have tell her from DM. But if you criticise a person on a comment you get attention of many people and make them believe that even if it's not true. Good thinking. Respect.

It's really nice to say something like this to some of the families who have ruined your children.

These children will never grow up to be successful and will do something with their lives.

I am Instagram user toi

It's to easy to just sit back behind your screen and say hurtfull things! Most of those people have a shitty life and being bored. But when you tell them they get scared and close the account pathetic. But look on the bright side. With Social Media, good things get a much bigger audience to! Like real charities or people with a good hart!


I think people need to think before posting, commenting and etc. . .

love to read it..

Usual response from most of people are their opinion, however even if it meant as something positive, it does not mean that person at the other end will interpret exactly as you intended to. It is already difficult to communicate face to face without misunderstanding when it comes to social media it gets even more ambiguous.

On the other hand it is her life and her children. if she can afford to spoil them then it is her prerogative to do so I guess, but placing it so open on social media is an open invitation for others other to express their point of view... good or bad. Celebrities that wants to constantly stay in the public eyes usually do not care what kind of reaction they cause - they just need any type of reaction from public, to keep them talking.

I can't tell if you commenting or deleting the message was bad or good thing... it is that both of these actions were your choice.

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You do not have to say bad and hurtful things (even if you do not mean).

I agree with the quoted part, it's bad to say things to other people. Why saying bad things if there are lots of good things to say? Tongue is just like sharp sword, it can hurt anyone if we don't use it wisely.

Yes, you nailed that one. I too try to be careful with texts, and or reply's in steem as people can read what was ment to be an innocent statement to not be.

Interesting post.

Well said, it sums up the whole hypocrisy of those Instagram and Facebook media. People no longer think about being frank, direct, that's really silly.

You are absolutely bang on. My belief is if it does not suit me I should leave it rather then criticizing it, if I do not like something does not mean it's not good, it may just be my own opinion towards it, the rest of the world may see it in a different manner.
I guess you did the very right thing :-)

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment