It is said that "love is blind". Is this true? Perhaps, it is, that's what everybody says and there can be certain level of self experience that we all go through during various phases of our life. Let's talk about it in detail, today from what I strongly believe from my self experiences of joys & sorrows of being in Love!
What is love?, what is its definition? , why does it arise in our minds and thoughts?, what should love be?..., the answers to all these questions are being sought by many, in today's world. Its a strange feeling for the lovestruck!!! Of course it is 100%!
Love is a strange feeling that everyone experiences with someone for some reason. It is very difficult to avoid it, and I would say it is impossible to escape from it, because love takes many forms and can happen with someone in some way or the other, at any time... Its absolutely unpredictable!
Yes, it matters what kind of love it is.
Love has many definitions/forms, love for friendship, love for parents, love for home and family, love for your job, love for your car, love for anything in this materialistic world, or spiritual love that takes you towards spirituality. Eternal Love!
It has been repeatedly said that love is blind, it can happen with anyone at any time, it is a strange but weird feeling that can happen with anyone in some way or the other, and its bound to happen...its absolutely certain.
If love is pure & natural, should we have any expectations in any kind of love or not? I think the answer to this is not clearly known. Whenever you love someone, you expect that they also love you as much, it is but obvious. Love or affection can be of any kind, but is it right to have expectations in love? The answer to this may be different for each person, but yes, it is certain that generally everyone keeps some expectations in love, and this can be of any kind, generally this is where the real problem starts! When expectations are not met with or remain unfulfilled! This is indeed a sad part of the story.
After being bound in the bonds of love, a person starts expecting from the other person to love them just as much. When this expectation arises between two individuals, difficulties begin to arise because when one person does not meet the expectations of the other person, then the other person starts feeling pain of much anticipated expectations, and this creates a very sad situation.
At one point in his/her life, every person is caught in this dilemma, expecting love in exchange for love, but it is completely impossible because nowadays one-sided love is more prevalent, that's when issues srart to crop up.
The truth is that the sooner it is accepted, the better...Love for Love is not possible, always.
It is good to be clear, but generally, people remain in this dilemma, get stuck, do not try to get out of this situation. I will not say that I have never felt such a feeling. Yes, I have and maybe I had also going through the same situation. This dilemma always remains in the mind and will remain, thinking about the person you loved so much, should you forget him, should you leave, should you move on with your life. It is very difficult to find the answers to these questions, it is almost impossible, but it is very important to find the answer for your mental health.
Love should remain to the extent where it doesn't become an obsession. Yes, I know it is very easy to say and very difficult to do but this is the truth. After reaching the limit of obsession, it is very difficult to come back from there because after a time, a person can have troubled mental state and can take many wrong decisions.
He/she must understand the intensity of the situation, which is very necessary and should try to withdraw! Try... Try... Try!!!
Love and Expectations are intricately intertwined, it's almost impossible to separate them but very necessary to do.
To have an expectation, in any kind of love is completely wrong because difficulties and troubles start from there. The sooner its answer is found, the better it is, otherwise, you will be stuck in this dilemma for life, thinking that I loved, but in return, I did not get love. It will really be very difficult and complex for you to find its complete & correct answer.
You will keep wandering in this hope and will be forced to take many wrong steps in the desire to find true love.
You have to stop yourself from reaching that situation by strengthening your body and controlling your mind.
Realise...whatever happened, happened, it was a very good and lovely feeling, but now I have to control my mind and put it into some other good work for my own or my family's well-being, it is very important for you. Find love in those things, hobbies passion and eternal things & activities that impart, peace, solace and solitude within oneself.
Thank you,