It's hard to forget the school days, so many memories that can not be let go just like that. From the level of the elementary school to upper secondary education, there will be many moments that will be recounted back to the generations, unfortunately the alumni stories are not as beautiful as the expectation of parents sending their children to school, they (alumni) always tell the things that always relate to the ego and their existence of the opposition to the teacher, the beating of friends, clustered to be feared and respected even the most severe about the use of harmful substances and immoral acts, which ultimately the behavior of students who are still active become negative.
Will this culture stop? When? Who will stop it? This is the question that must be answered by the observers of education.
Graduation ceremony is actually held by each school with the details of the cost and time of implementation determined by the school, basically the students no longer need to hold events or other activities.
Here ane ngerangkum bad behavior of students who become a culture that until today still exist.
Who knows who and when the beginning of such cultures until today no one knows, but there are some sources that can not be mentioned here mention that it started in the 1990s where at that time EBTANAS was enacted, whatever the purpose and the goal to date has not been clear. Though than in graffiti better be donated to those who need it, but unfortunately they are more eager to embed his friend's name on his school uniform.
** 2. # Convival of motor vehicles**
Instead of celebrating graduation instead of holding a tasyakur learner today instead of convoys on the highway which then create traffic jams. Amazingly, today's students are willing to rent a motorcycle and deal with the authorities, how not in one motorcycle there are 3 passengers including riders, plus not wearing all helmets. The face that had been so ferocious at the start and invited his friend to participate in the convoy turned instantly became pitiful and even crying.
3.# Video immoral
Not only the graffiti and the convoys are done by the students now, there are some who dare to commit immoral acts instead of memories to make friends. The severity of the activity is recorded on his mobile phone and stored in his memory. Should this be done simply because of the existence, which school function that he said helped to carve out the future of the learner?
** 4. # Miras party**
The strange behavior of the students now as there is no solution yes? Starting from some of the above actions, there are also taking the time to drink alcohol with alibi farewell.
** 5. # The graduation ceremony leads to death**
Some of the students who feel their schooling are always proud of inviting alumni to join the convoy with them and provoking with the enemy's school bebuyutannya (strange yes, schools have a mortal enemy) when the meeting occurred then, tawuranpun certainly will not be inevitable. When the brawls are sure no one wants to budge, both sides will want to win, and they take pride when there are victims died proudly declared us champion.
From a series of problems above, how to cope? Are not they the next generation? Then want to be taken where this nation if the next generation so?
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