Thoughts on Evergreen Content
Evergreen content is content that brings users back time and time again to view the same content over and over. The idea is the content stays fresh over a period of time, bringing re-engagement. Blogging evergreen content can be a difficult task. Most blogs tend to be one and done reads. If you are reading these words I'm typing right now, I highly doubt you will ever take the time to read them again at a later date. Everything I'm typing at the moment into this blog is easily digestible into a bite-sized mental footnote, if you even bother to remember it. (I wouldn't blame you if you don't, honestly)
This thought ramble could easily diverge off into the idea of an Attention Economy but I will save that for another ramble. Evergreen content is HARD. Especially on a blog.
My thoughts on this: If I structure blogposts more like articles in a readers digest, make them entertaining, educational, and absolutely beg the shit out of my readers to repost my blog and like and subscribe. But the content needs to pass a boring test for me to structure something like this, and it has to draw attention.
I think I have an idea on how to do this, just have to get the content written and ready to go.