Getting close to it, in a way! Though retirement and having enough funds to stop working and concentrate on volunteering is still far off. Asia is quite cheap to live so you don't need much passive income to be able to "retire" here. We aim for a bit more though, but it is nice to know that we are not far off making sure all our running costs are paid for by a passive stream of money. So there is still a lot of work to be done. But I'm so grateful that we made it this far! It's hard work but I actually love it... and my hubby loves his projects too!
For me financial freedom actually means being able to work from anywhere in the world, no boss, and with enough spare time to do non-work related things. I love my work, so I don't see it as work! So did I reach financial freedom... well yes in a way. Thanks for your comemt and support. Much appreciated
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