Hello Steemit family: How are you today? Today let us continue to learn the course of hand made coffee. If the last lesson is the taste of the revolution, then this lesson is the sense of smell awakened.
Hello 大家好!各位Steemit的朋友们:今天让我们来继续手冲咖啡的课程。如果说上一节课是味觉的革命,那么这节课就是嗅觉的唤醒了。
Of course, before the class start, the teacher let me taste the ice coffee he made as he promised in last class. He spend around 4 hours to make this ice coffee. It’s extremely tasty, it feels cool and refreshing. Smell very fragrant. It is very different from the ice coffee we order in our daily life which made by just adding ice cube.
Then the teacher holding a rectangular wooden box, which neatly placed a lot of lovely small essential oils bottle. Each of bottle has a different number as serial number. These bottles mainly used to train the sense of smell and identify the taste.
He took out a few groups of essential oils bottle from the box, and then let me smell one by one. First step I need to guess what kind of plant flavor, and then I need to draw the flavor stretches out the curve. It is so hard, those similar taste remind me of lots of smell. I’m searching in my mind and try my best to compare the differet…
Although I looked at the list before, but I still guess wrong. Those smells for me are so familiar but so strange. Thanks to the curve of each smell I have the accurate answer. Now I can understand how difficult to be a wine taster and perfume debugger.
接下来的环节是将三种具有代表性的咖啡研磨成粉末, 然后来区别它们与原豆闻上去的区别,由此得出对于不同海拔和气候条件下生长的咖啡豆,要怎样才能加工出需要的口感和味道。
The next step is to ground the three representative coffee into powder and then distinguish them from the coffee and raw beans. Which leads to the solution about growth of coffee beans at different elevations and climatic conditions, and how can we process to the taste we want.
这节课上老师还特别介绍了三种过滤壶,一种是美国人常用的长颈瓶,过滤时间短,快捷速成,但是味道偏淡;一种中型的叫聪明壶,也就是我们上节课用的,滤网跟壶之间有个卡扣,浸泡时间随意定, 够钟了就拧动卡扣,咖啡便漏到下面的壶中;第三种是日本人爱用的小型V60,就是因为外形似个发V而得名,小巧精致,过滤出来的咖啡味道最浓; 这一切对我来说都很新鲜,是个全新的领域,有趣又好玩,自己觉得可能真的爱上这个了。
In this class, teacher also introduced three kinds of filter pot. One is commonly used in the United States called flask, the filter time is short, fast and quick, but the taste is subdued; The second one is a medium size filter pot called smart pot, that is what we used in the class. There is a buckle between the filter and pot. The soaking time is flexible, when the time is enough, just to twist the buckle, the coffee will leak to the bottom of the pot. The last one is the Japanese favorite one, V60 with smaller size. It is because the shape pf the filter pot is like V. It is small and exquisite, the coffee filtered out is taste the most thick. All these information is very fresh area for me, I think I already fall in love with this course.
Thank you for being my audience to listen my own experience, hope I can share more exciting and interesting story to you in the future.
好精彩的感覺!請問這是在哪裡啊?場地與器具也都很精美.... 精品咖啡,這幾年,可是非常熱門啊!:)
You just made me crave good cofee so bad! Can't live without Chemex <3
Thank you, most people are agree.
Nez du cafe literally means coffee's nose lol

OMG! What an amazing place, you are very lucky to be able to attend that class!
Thank you. you are definitely right.
Wow lovely, my favourite one
Thanks, good to hear.
everything is an art and has its own language! great coffee :) Follow me too! @lagom
Thanks so much, I followed back.
I think my husband would go crazy in that place, I think he would love it!
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Haha,That will be great. Thank you for your invitation.
The Macap M7D, nice one
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