I've tried to make a conscious effort to carry cash on me at all times for instances like this. To respond to the dilemma, though, I can't say I would have done any different. I would probably would have followed her back up and made sure she got a taxi alright, since she seemed very frazzled and not in control of all of her faculties, which would make her easy target for someone with a more predatory disposition, but ultimately I wouldn't have done more beyond that.
I've been asked numerous times why I bother to hand money out to people on the side of the road or on street corners. Sure, they are more than likely either trying to swindle me or are going to put that money towards alcohol or something else without doing anything to improve their lives. However, it may be the case that the small act of kindness I show them has an enormous positive impact. Maybe that money is used to buy food after going without for a couple of days.
I approach charity and giving in this manner: if there is a possibility that my contribution will provide some good to the person asking for it, then I'd rather err on the side of generosity and the possibility of providing that good than assuming nothing will come of it and missing a chance to improve someone's life.
Exactly. I do the same. People look at me like I'm mad. Thing is if the tables were turned and I was in a desperate situation I would hope someone would do the same for me.
That's a lot of where that view comes from for me. I treat others how I would hope others would treat me, or I try to as much as I can.