actually as a planet we produce around 30% more food than we need to feed everyone.
in some types of food 90% is thrown away because it doesn't look good enough to sell. The problem is capitalism.
actually as a planet we produce around 30% more food than we need to feed everyone.
in some types of food 90% is thrown away because it doesn't look good enough to sell. The problem is capitalism.
Why don't you respond to the actual claims, those on birth rate vs. natural resources, instead of sidestepping and ignoring them?
Oh, I know why, it would destroy the fallacies you strung together to pass off as an argument.
but all have opinions and love to hear every details on it..capitalism is also a problem..they almost control the price..i agree with you @anarchyhasnogods.
.to get away our stress i have to share with you this..
Whites produce more food because they are more intelligent. Communist white countries produced more food than any black country. 2000 years ago whites produced more food. Haiti was paradise before it was turned to blacks. Now it is hell on earth.Negros live on most fertile land on the earth and still can't feed themselves.
people in the ussr had more caloric intake per capita than the united states. They were essentially the only first world country to treat all races equally. You are not just wrong, you're stupid.
You fascists do not get a voice. Get off the platform or I will force you off.
Look at the fascist go to work. Free Speech is evil like Capitalism.
Was that Berlin Wall to keep people from the West out of the paradise of the Soviet Union?
You can't face the fact that blacks are less intelligent, also I am not a facist, I am a national socialist. I hope that I didn't invade your safe space or hurt your feelings
you spelled "going to get slaughtered in the revolution" as national socialist for some reason.
have you heard of my favourite way to paint a wall red?
I hope that it starts sooner than later, we both know who will benefit from that turn of events
fuck off retard