Why should WOMEN be afraid to flaunt their sexiness ?

in #life9 years ago (edited)

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Being now a 24 year-old woman, I have always being taught to be careful not to attract too much men's interests by my physique. I was told not to show too much cleavage, not to wear this or that skirt, that my jeans were too tight, and so it showed the features of my figure. 

When I was in middle school, I remembered being bullied by a group of older girls who ceaselessly called me "the young bitch" because I was generally wearing a  t-shirt with a cleavage and because the boys were around me. 

But the more I grew up, the more I felt the need to express my sense of sensuality. I also felt concerned about this social restriction to celebrate womanhood. Yes, indeed I feel like a woman and I'm not ashamed to be willing to appear sexy. Modeling helped me to develop this sensuality.

Picture of me taken by the photographer Sylvio Testa 

I always loved the color red. According to me, it represents sensuality vitality and power.

I have never understood why seeing, on social media, pictures of a male model in pants appear as a source of pride while it is a source of shame for the women. The division between the sexes has been exaggerated out of proportion and locked in place, but it's wearing me out. The male side of life has been dominating the world from long before we were born, and mothers have played the submissive role to men since forever, it seems. 

Pictures of me taken by the photographer Yann Malotti 


Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/andraslife/


Empowering words of truth there Andra, thank you for sharing and, most hopefully, empower many other people in your wake. Namaste :)

Spoken like a true French woman! Strong, powerful, sexy!

Lord have mercy! :D

Her updated top image is stunning... thank you for inviting her to Steemit.

Excellent imagery. It's good that you are confident and go forth into the world allowing your beauty and strength to be admired in a tasteful way.

What you are expressing above, both in pictures & words, made me think about the lyrics of one of Shania Twain's song.
Andra! You Should Feel Like A Woman

You are aware that modeling, as a business, is built entirely on top of the fact that women don't feel good about themselves, right?

Everyone has a right to pursue a given vocation. It appears you're trying to hack away at a young woman's pride and confidence for no good reason. Modeling may in fact have some negatives associated with it, however, she derived something positive from it. Modeling would exist regardless if there are social and personal issues among the public.

Everyone should utilize their strengths in order to carve out a niche in life.

I'm not hacking away at anything. I'm having a dialogue over a topic that interests me, for personal reasons. You're just assuming.

Fair enough. I shall butt out.

I'm not hacking away at anything.

You're just assuming now too... :)

I thought about it too. But not entirely on it.

But you still do it? And I'm saying this as the widow of a girl who did modeling and suffered from severe anorexia, among other things.

I'm not talking only about modeling though. I'm talking about my experience as a girl then a woman.

Sure, and fair enough. And it's good that you're happy in your own skin and all that. But if every woman woke up tomorrow feeling good about themselves, there would be no fashion, make up, modelling, etc. industry left.

This is why I felt that the text was somewhat inconsistent, since you want wwomen to feel better about themselves, but you yourself feed the modeling industry.

Not blaming you for anything, that's not the point. Just something to think about.

She is saying she feels good about herself, and there is nothing shameful about that, because, as a girl growing up, you are told to act the opposite.

I imagine being a top model, would be quite an empowering feeling. Good on her!