Hiking Pics.

in #life5 months ago (edited)

Lovely day in early October! A few pics on my walk. I've never seen a mushroom that looks like a cookie:

 " "IMG_5741.jpeg""

And this:


I'm reading Stephen Goodson's book, A History of Central Banking, and will blog on it over the winter. Like Astle's, The Babylonian Woe, it's a must read. I'd add Douglas Reed's, The Controversy of Zion. These are three must read books.

But all the truth documented in these works are made to disappear from reality with one word magic: Anti-Semitism. If one speaks this word all honest research is made to disappear.

Listening to Icke and Broze while I type. It was good to hear professor Dave take on a brother when he destroyed the grifting Weinstein's and Icke gets these bad actors right, too. Professor Dave ended the 'conspiracy of silence' but I wouldn't hold my breath that it would become pervasive. Icke is correct that the new so called alt. media is corralling people into the Christian Right and Trumpism which is all about idolizing Zionism and Israel. And Icke is not wrong about the Sabbatean's but his view is partial as the Sabbatean ideas are taken from a plain orthodox reading of the Torah.

Not a word from them about usury, the crime of charging interest on nothing (or fictional currency), one world digital currency, or our new iteration of disaster capitalism combined with techno-feudalism. Hmmm...

Hive mind A.I. is likely going to attempt thought control and attempt to keep humans from critiquing anything with the letter J in it.


It would be nice if it's a magic mushroom.

Well...it's sort of magical to look at.

These are what you want:
