I must say that I love it when you venture into philosophy! If I thought it would make any difference I'd say get some diabolika into the academies but we all know by now that that would just enslave you to a lifetime of debt and you'd come out denying the existence of 'Tallomite!'...No fun at all:)
What's interesting about your post from the Gnostic perspective: the screen is a micro projection of a greater reality which is preexistent to humanity; that humanity from the perspective of the screen makers is not much different from a virus in that it is what it is, a virus can't help its condition and neither can humanity. There is one huge difference though: the virus can only exist here and that is not the case for the spirit which resides deep within the human animal--we have the potential to become tall! The rub though is that becoming tall in a sewer isn't of much use...We can exist far beyond the sewers of this world if we become aware of the reality of Tallomite:)
And yes, it's totally okay if you don't agree with assessments of our condition made in this post. The screen predetermines everything anyway: the Alpha is the Omega:)
Thanks bestest. Not denying the existence of 'Tallomites' at all..I hope they acknowledge my acknowledgement of their existence... Although literally, I want to be tall haha. But I love me for me being me just diabolic in some ways lol. It can be fun to recruit future diabolikas in the diabolika academy hey. But can we just have fun in all this ridiculousness, life is too short lol. Wait, I'll watch a movie now....