(Originally Posted on my LinkedIn)
Are you stuck in a rut?
One where you seemingly work countless hours and yet still end up not really accomplishing anything after all of that?
Or perhaps its one where you just feel overwhelmed by the amount of things on your plate.
If you have indeed felt any inclinations of those feelings....I've been there, and hopefully I can help you break out of it.
My encounter with the working countless hours and getting nothing done is because I was trying to get too much done. That's right. Trying to get too much done.I'm the sort of guy who gets too many ideas. Too many projects are great.
So, when I was younger, I tried to pursue them all at once. While I did get some successful ones off the ground, I tried to work on dozens of website ideas at a time.
I had a staff of nearly 20 freelancers ranging from programmers, to graphic designers, content writers and more.Then, when I entered the arena of full-time trading, I still kept trying to operate and oversee what was going on with, what at the time, was an ABSURB amount of web-sites.
Since trading and investing took precedence I didn't have the time to really monitor the sites. I tried to and then I realized the simple truth.If you focus your energy on one (or two after you've got the first down pat) of your ideas, projects, or even tasks for work...you are going to get way more done than trying to balance 20 things.
I've since sold or let most of those sites just expire because I'm focused on refining my own trading further and to teaching people of all skill levels on how to empower themselves in the market.
So just keep things simple.
Focus on the goal most important to you.....then you just mind find you don't need the others. And you can always sell them for extra cash flow if they truly are good ideas.
Or maybe after you get the first up and running you can get the others rocking too.
But start with one.