Hello I'm Back!!!

in #life4 years ago


I've been away for a very long time.... it's been 2 years since I last posted!
So long in fact that I can't remember how to center pictures or make text bigger lol Or what to tags to use!!!
This is just me having a play around to see if I can still do this!

In that time so much has happened. From moving to a different island and running a B&B to joining all sorts of different clubs.
I'd love to fill you all in on what's been going on in my life 😃

I wondered if there are any people I still know on Steemit or Hive .... Come say Hi to me if you're around - I'd love to hear from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by 🙂



I've been waiting two years for this!

Here is a bonus cat picture!


Hey Frot - cool cat pic :D

Oh, you're showing me up now! Do I have to come back too?

Yes indeed you do!!!! come on Kiwideb :)

Let's get Kiwis back into double figures again

Hi @andysantics48, I know what you mean about forgetting how to do things on Hive, I only had 4 months and it was a re-learning for me too. Nice to meet you and welcome back. Regards Angie

Hi Angie thank you for visiting my post :) Lovely to meet you!! I must be getting old and forgetful lol

I know you used to take care of animals. Marked down and prettiness of the blog doesn't matter. What matters most is you.

Hey there - how are you? Good to see a familiar name come up :)

Just wait till the Americans wake up. I think you have a lot of friends still here. Take some time and get caught up.

Great to sew you back :)

Hey Karen - How are you?? Glad some people are still here :)

Hi. There are a few that have moved over here. Im OK, doing what I can. :)

To see a bunch of new content from people who are active now - have a squizz at https://peakd.com/@gimp/feed

This is what the editing options look like in the Peakd front end - under "H" (for headers) there are a bunch of large text options - this comment is Header 4


Good to see you back Andy.💞 Funny you crossed my mind the other day and I wondered how you and your sister were as I hadn’t seen you on here for so long.

I will reblog to help others see you are back.

Stay well and safe in these pandemic times my friend.