Flirting and Romantic Eye Contact
Romantic eye contact is often referred to as an "eye smile." It's not staring, and it's
not a furtive glance. It's just a few seconds (not too many) of magnetic magic that
almost makes a Jedi Light Saber sound when your eyes meet his. Believe me, it's
The first step in learning how to make romantic eye contact is learning how to make
non-romantic eye contact. As a society we are trained not to look at strangers, not to
stare, and not to look other people straight in the eyes. It's time to break that
Oftentimes making or receiving eye contact can make us feel nervous. Okay, great.
Feel nervous and then get over it. A seductress has no room for nervousness. You
have very little chance of keeping a man off-balance if you're off-balance.
Practicing Non-Romantic Eye Contact
To begin, make friendly eye contact with everyone you encounter. Don't stare; just
make eye contact at all appropriate points during your meeting.
For example, when you're standing in line at the coffee counter, look at the sales
associate when you're ordering your Grande Green Forest Mocha Jambalaya. Don't
stare at the menu board. Then, when he or she takes your money, look 'em right in
the eyes again and say "Thank You." Flash a two-second smile.
Get used to making eye contact and showing the appropriate smile whenever you
come into contact with another human being. How can you tell if you are making
good eye contact? Whenever you walk away from someone who you think you
made good eye contact with, ask yourself this question: "What was the color of his or
her eyes?" If you don't know the answer, you don't have the technique down yet so
keep practicing.
Practicing Romantic Eye Contact
Romantic eye contact really isn't that much different than non-romantic eye contact.
The difference is that it's done in a tactical environment. When you make eye
contact, hold his eyes and flash your slightly longer smile, the one you practiced in
Chapter 3. If he responds with a smile, move right into your dazzling smile that you
perfected in front of the mirror. Next, break eye contact and casually touch your hair
or your face, or do the "Lip Lick" (i will talk about that in another article). Then go back to whatever you were
doing before. The ball's in his court for now.
The Eyebrow Lift
Body language experts say that momentarily raising both eyebrows
for a few seconds and then rapidly lowering them back to normal is a
sign of interest. Do just this and you could end up looking like
Groucho Marx. But combine this action with an "eye smile" and
you're sending a message.
Whale bait
Related Post: How much eye contact is just right?
(#notabot. Genuine Alien Interaction)