How to evolve in life as a Leader.

in #life7 years ago

How do we get the things we want? This question comes to everyone mind and it drives our habit and behaviors. Also, everyone takes this their own way. Some tries to take the right path continue to struggling with their condition and someone takes the "Wrong Turn"

Many books are there to provide you a solution, suggestion and guidance path for achieving your life goals, loads of coaching classes try to guide the way forward.

Until yourself took a bold step and made a strong decision to achieve what we want in our life.

Took a deep breath and recognize yourself.

Some time in conscious or in unconscious mind we question ourselfs that ,

  • What we got in our life?
  • Why everything wrong happend with me?
  • Why we failed to get something special ?
  • Why I loose everything?

Now you forgot the above and ask yourself

What are you doing is really suits your personality?

It is observed that even if a person doesn't want to do a particular work but has no choice of doing regardless.
But the outcome will be unsatisfactory. In this situation identify yourself that what fear force you do do that work.

There is real example in steemit

Steemit community has a number of users but large users are engaged in Plagiarism to achieve wealth in steemit. Although they are either artist nor writer. They just copy and paste contains from another blog. Are they doing right, are there mind suit with the community. Sometimes they succeed but most of they loose it.

Then the above question they realize and engulfed by fear of losing.

This is a simple example, similarly, you will get thousands of example in real life.

It is all about our fear of

  • Losing everything
  • No reawards
  • Getting hurt
  • Face the real fact in life

Bible we have some quotes for exploring yourself.

"When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away Through my groaning all day long. For day and night, Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer. Selah. I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I did not hide; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD"; And You forgave the guilt of my sin. Selah."

Leave the fake shell and evolve as a leader

For evolving as a leader some point we always should maintain in life

  • 1. Attitude: How you presenting yourself in front of everyone is important. Maintaining well attitude in most important to be good leader.
  • 2. My priorities: Always judge any decision by priorities. If you misjudge it then you might be losing many things. A leader always decides the priorities ion life.
  • 3. Time Managed : How am I spending my time? Am I making time for my personal growth and development? Am I identifying the time robbers in my life? Once you identify the areas that need improvement, you must come up with a plan to implement the needed changes.
  • 4. Performance: Someone, says that the world is a stage and we are performers. It is very important performance should be great.

So, before doing anything ask yourself are doing correctly or not. One important thing you are the best teacher and judge of yourself. no one can judge you as well as you do.

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I would like to add that most of the good leaders are the ones who were led by great leaders..To become a good leader learn from a great leader..

Yes there are many example of it. Thanks for commenting.