Flowers are a source of great enjoyment and pleasure to everyone I know. They are universally loved and admired; one does not need to talk or any words to communicate the message of sending or receiving flowers. Flowers are a great gift to give for any occasion whether it is for a birthday, celebration or for grieving.
I like to take a bunch of flowers when I visit someone’s home. It is part of the Law of Giving – a giving gesture. Going empty handed does not bode well for me.
Diana Cooper and Kathy Croswell in their book – Ascension Through Orbs say-
Flowers have the power to heal.
How eloquently phrased. Now I know why I love flowers; I buy them with my grocery shopping.

yes Ma'am flowers are a special blessing and make great gifts but
if you come to my place feel free to bring a bottle of wine too! lol
ps- love the Sunflowers, the Kansas state flower where I'm from.
are they in Australia also?
I m agree, specially if you have received one in a valentine´s day. That is wonderful.