Today is a day within the USA that's considered a holiday - called Thanksgiving. Many people celebrate, even newly arrived immigrants who have absolutely no idea what the hell this holiday represents in U.S. history... That's fine with me, as long as they feel thankful for something other than successful evil deeds.

According to what I remember from my elementary school history lessons, this day is in tribute to the original inhabitants of this land, we call Indians... even though these native people never referred to themselves as such...
These days, the American tribal people apparently don't seem to mind that label we placed upon them, because they use the term themselves quite often. I don't know why...?!?!?!? I'm certainly thankful they're not kicking up a fuss about it after all these years, rioting in the streets and scalping Dutch people upon sight - like they used to do, back in the day...!!!
That very first dinner party the early settlers to America threw, was to thank the native people for showing them corn could be eaten if it was cooked right, where to find it, how to harvest it, prep it and plant the kernels to grow some more.

The Europeans were especially thankful for learning how to make popcorn so they could enjoy watching movies at the theater, even more than they already liked doing in those days. Popcorn even made watching 'B' grade productions easier to sit through.
If the Indians had not explained the value of corn to Dutch settlers, many more would have died of starvation than did, in those early years of arrival. Fortunately, Indian tribes spoke German at the time - a language that the Dutch had some familiarity with.
Another reason the early "white eyes" invited indigenous folk to a huge garden party, was to try and buy Manhattan Island from them for a shitload of beads and a handshake. It only worked after the settlers got the poor Indian people drunk on whiskey and pumpkin pie.
At first... the natives said, "What the hell are we supposed to do with $24.00 worth of stinking beads...?!?!?!?" The white people advised them to make jewelry with the beads and sell the products as souvenirs to tourists alongside the road. They could then take the small fortune they made from trade and open up gambling casinos on their reservations- thus making even more money off suckers.
Well... I remember a lot more from my history books about that huge "Pow-Wow" a few hundred years ago, but I'm going to cut it short because you probably won't believe me - they've changed all the history books since I was a child, in order to fit a new narrative. They have scrubbed the truth from the internet as well...
You can blame that on Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Soros and the rest of that crew... Wealthy individuals like to get together and screw with the minds of us poor folk, for personal, sardonic entertainment.
The rich sit around all day long laughing and joking about the calamity they cause, while watching news broadcasts and eating popcorn by the barrel-full. It's no wonder they all have potbellies and man-boobs...
Have a nice day, anyway, my friends... celebrate life with your loved ones while you're alive, because it might be too late after you're dead...!!!
All laws favor the rich.
Not gonna happen, wouldn't be prudent,...
Happy Thanksgiving AngryMan.
Back at'cha Mr. @dandays...
Gonna watch that Atlanta baseball team today? Or maybe it was Chicago.. No, must've been Boston. I mean Washington football.
No... I can't watch... somebody stole my Nerf ball😤
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving
I hope you did too Mr. Ninja... Mine was peaceful😎
So much history being distorted.
Yes... Quite shameful, I must say...!!!😎
Happy Schwabsgiving! Though it's more Happy Schwab's taking 🤣
That all sounds like QAnon conspiracy theories 😃 there is no way that a small group of people would control the narrative in order to drive their own Great Reset agenda, no sir, that is preposterous (heavy sarcasm) 😄
How does the saying goes, "history is written by the victors"?
Wrongly attributed to Churchill, but it doesn't matter who said it, it's probably someone with observational skills, lacking these days!!
You still tickin' over there?
You still tickin'?