Life is...

in #life8 years ago


Hidup itu ... Butuh masalah supaya kita punya kekuatan., Butuh pengorbanan supaya kita tahu cara bekerja keras., Butuh air mata supaya kita tau merendahkan hati., Butuh dicela supaya kita tau bagaimana cara menghargai., Butuh tertawa supaya kita tau mengucap syukur., Butuh senyum supaya tahu kita punya cinta., Butuh orang lain supaya tau kita tidak sendiri


Life is ... Need a problem so we have the power, need sacrifice so we know how to work hard, need tears so we know humble heart, need to be reproached so that we know how to appreciate, need laugh so that we know to give thanks ., Need a smile to know we have love., Need others to know we are not alone