What the great flood taught me

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Over the past few weeks my native place was under flood and undetected landslides. With the help of many good hearts and efforts by selfies people we are rebuilding the state day by day. There are many things I learnt from this hard and disheartening situation.

Hope for Humanity

I had stopped watching news channel and newspapers for the last few years since they just got me more depressed. It seemed like there is only evil things going on in the world and I was not ready to accept that yet. So I focused on the people around and tried to stay happy.

But in the last few weeks, I was wired to all the possible news media to get the updates and announcements. And I was happy even at that stressful hours to see that help is coming for people in need. Every successful rescue operations calmed me a bit. Even though there was such a distress going on, my heart restored faith in humanity.

Technology is great when used responsibly

Often times I get to hear how technological advancements ruin efficiency, culture, traditions and what not! But, last week's works on ground might not have been successful if it was not with advancement in at least one of the technical field. And of course, technology combined with the kind-hearted and brave minded people brought out the successful missions.

Time where social media came to rescue

There won't be any kid who have not been scolded by an elder person for the social media usage. And I agree that to an extend it is not good. Then again, it all depend on how responsibily you use any platform. Most of the rescue requests are sent through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

I even know of people who consider their child to be of good character and labelled "decent" if they are not using social media. But the lack of knowledge about how to use any media is not a great benefit in any way. And at the time of need you might not be able to create and activate an account. So please be a responsible user of social media and keep up with the updates or at least be aware of them. You never know when you'll need it.

There is nothing more important than life

Rescue missions saw many people begging for help. We also saw people refusing to leave the places thinking things will be better the next day.
To those who are trying to guard their belongings in these times, I understand it's your life, those might not be just any piece of material to you but your hardwork itself. But what is it good for if you're not there to use it or have it?! So when help comes, accept it. And when people try to help, sometimes you have to start trusting others.

Compassion is the way to humanity

There have been people from every field of life working towards bringing up a state from drowning. If there was no compassionate people in this world who worked day and night to help strangers in need, then I doubt our presence in this world today. So when you have a chance, spread the helping hand to someone and see how regarding that is. There is no better feeling than knowing someone else is smiling because of you.

God resides in each one of us

There are many lifeless things we consider to have God's presence. But there is piece of God and God's goodness that reside inside every one of us. It urges us to love one another. It makes you to work towards bringing a smile on someone else's face. It is that very God that makes your soul happy with the little good deeds you do. It's time that we allow that God to grow and prosper.

Religion, politics is not important than love

Churches, temples, mosques and any other religious buildings stand just as buildings in the eyes of nature. If we are here to survive the nature then the only religion that'll serve that purpose is "love". It's high time we stopped violence in the name of religion, politics and any other factor that divides us.

There is a ray of sunshine even after the darkest night.

When it was raining continuously for three days, there was no visible sunlight. It was cloudy and dark all through the day. But the fourth day was bright and it brought along the hope that things are going to get better.
There are people who are left with nothing after this flood. There are people who don't even have their own land to them anymore. To them the word hope might not even have any meaning. And it is our duty to be the hope in their life. It is our responsibility to be a part of their loss and bring them to normal life again.


There is no doubt, together we will survive!