the influence of parents involved in drugs against the development of children's education

in #life7 years ago

Children is the most beautiful gift given by Allah SWT, to be guided and educated by parents. Since children are born, they have needed parents as a creature that helps them. Parents are so important to children as a place to live their life and hope before they get to know anyone.

Parents are the primary and primary schools for the development of children's education. The importance of parenthood in children's education is not a figment. Parental involvement in children's education has proven to have many positive effects on children and in its development many children achieve success when they begin to process in education.

Researchers at Vanderbilt University see parents' involvement in children's education discovering that those whose parents are involved in their education are more proud and positive in themselves, able to do their job well, but also feel their personal pride and achievement as they completing the task . With the positive impact generated by education involving parents, the importance of parents' role in children's education can not be ignored, but needs to be developed.
The family is the first and foremost educator in the life of the child, because of them the children get education for the first time and become the basis of child development and life in the future. Family provides the basis for the formation of behavior, character, morals and education of children. Children are born in the care of parents and raised in the family.

Parents serve as caregivers, mentors, carers and as educators of their children. Every parent would want their children to be clever, intelligent and morally human. But many parents do not realize that the way they educate make children feel unnoticed, limited freedom, and some even feel unloved by their parents. Feelings that affect a lot of attitude, feelings, ways of thinking and even their intelligence.

Initially, the main education is there in the family then the child is entitled to get another education elsewhere ie the school. However, what needs to be underlined is that school is not a place fully devoted to educating children because education responsibilities remain on the parent's shoulders. School education does not take over the responsibilities of parents, but helps to alleviate the responsibilities of the parents. Therefore, it is not wrong if parents should be able to upgrade themselves in order to balance, align, support, and strengthen family education.
Parents act as teachers who provide knowledge and skills so it is also important for parents to have adequate knowledge. However, in reality not every parent can do it because there are among those with low education. This is an important part of the school, but parents can not be separated from their responsibilities.

A parent who truly realizes his role as a primary educator will not be concerned about his low education because it is just one part of education that needs to be taught to children. Good manners, empathy, mutual respect, etiquette, helpfulness, ingenuity, and other things not specifically taught in school remain the responsibility of parents.

Parents are responsible for the development of children's education, because parents are one of the factors penungjang that greatly affect the child in the process of growing up. What parents give to children, then that also will be received by parents. If parents are wrong to educate children then the child's education will be chaotic.

Parents are also role plays or examples for children in behaving or behaving, no doubt if there is a saying that the fruit fell not fall from the tree. Nearly 100 percent of cycles and parental behaviors are modeled by children, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. Parental attitudes also become one of support for children in the process of development of children's education, if the attitude displayed by parents is negative then the development of children's education is not growing rapidly. This is because the parent becomes the first and primary educator for the child. The time children have with parents is also more than the time children with teachers in school. If the attitudes and behaviors that the parents show good and positive then the good and positive behaviors that will be emulated by the child.

But what if the bad behavior displayed by parents every day, even taught by parents to participate in the behavior. One of them is behavior that uses substances, such as drugs. In plain view of the parents involved in the influence of drugs will be difficult to participate in supporting the development of children's education due to being too busy with taking care of themselves. The fact that also, can not be denied will have implications for the development of children's education