Good morning all. I am a little mixed breed baby girl. I am a cross between a little Toy Pom and a Yorkshire Terrier.
I way approximately 300 grams, and I have been living with my new family two weeks now, and I have an awesome sister, she is a Yorkshire terrier, and she loves me very much. I am two months old today.
I am a good girl, especially when my daddy eats cookies in bed, and then I look at him with my cute little dress on and my intelligent little eyes, and he just can not resist me.................

Once I have that cookie I want to eat it, but my teeth are still very tiny, and my mouth very small, and I can not eat very fast, so it is a bit of a problem, because my sister sits on the bed with me, and she is very clever, she is much faster than I am and she wants to eat my cookie daddy gave me.....................

Goodie, she decided to look away and scratch her ear, so I have a little more time to eat my cookie.

Thank you all for allowing me to introduce myself. Have your selves a lovely day, and I will pop in from time to time, to give you some more cute and interesting story's