Natural Selection in Times of the Smartphone

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Because the stupidity doesn't stop surprising me.

Seems that when the medium is not a treat anymore, the human decides to be its own treat.

I don't want to be rude... but I think that all these trends come from North America... more specifically from a country which name I won't mention. United States

Since the cinnamon spoon challenge and the TV show Jackass from MTV (back in the 2000's) that I knew that there was retards everywhere around something special with these people.

Well, I could understand these previous challenges or trends because you can ignore the effects of cinnamon or it could be funny to see someone receiving a shot of an egg traveling at 90km/h directly to the balls (I just made this up).

But the actual trending is absolutely beyond any comprehension.

If you are not a US citizen you will probably not know what Tide Pods are. And you may not even be familiarized with their shape. Long story short, it is laundry detergent.

Would you eat laundry soap? Well... nope. Right?

Those people would.


"The National Capital Poison Center warns that laundry pods are posing an unexpected problem for young children who bite into them, causing injury and even death. Adults with dementia are also at risk of mistakenly ingesting the poisonous pods.

A 2017 report says two children and six adults with cognitive impairment have died in the past five years from ingesting the pods."


These pods have a list of ingredients that are toxic to humans, including polymers and linear alkylbenzene sulfonate. Which it already sounds bad by itself.

My thoughts

Well... I would rather go with a big "nothing to do here".

For me this is a natural selectionin times where the phone is smarter than the owner. If these people can't survive in a whole environment set for their survival. Well, sorry not sorry. This way they won't breed at least and their stupid genome will fade with them.

In my opinion it is not even close to be the fault of the companies that make this product but the failure of the family to raise their children.

I believe this is because of the ignorance of those people, that don't give value to life and don't even care about developing themselves like human beings but they only want to be part of a tribe that would find joy watching them dying on a non-sense trend.

Thanks and see you in the next one


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Hahaha I agree, most of these idiotic influences come from wester civilization, i.e. the US. I'm actually FROM the US and these things still stun me.

It's hard for me to wrap my mind around how this is a thing, what possesses a person to say, "Yup, I'ma eat that today"?!
On a side note; if the stuff inside these pods are so poisonous, why the fuck are we using them to "clean" the plates that we are going to eat off of?!

"Yup, I'ma eat that today"?!

Oh God, you completely killed me this time man xD. Best comment ever.

Jokes aside I believe it is because there is the great distance between people in terms of relationships. And the "class" thing or "popular peeps" (between the young mostly). Social phenomena like these make people be extremely alone or feeling that they don't belong to any group of people or tribe. And since human animal is a social being, most of solitaire non-alpha ones would do ANYTHING for belonging to a tribe and be respected or considered part of a group.

This includes not thinking, such as we saw earlier.

I think this is a problem from the society itself. Which means education and habits and culture. I think this doesn't really have anything to do with intelligence (or lack of it).

I must admit that I would like to spend some time living in US to talk with the people and interact with most of them. Just to understand what is going on in this society. Because I can only speak from very few people I met and the filter of this globalization device called internet.


I agree with everything you said, it truly is herd mentality and tue desire to fit in and feel important.

After spending 3 years in Chile, it's easy to see how western civilization screws up the entire world....but that's what the "they" of the world want, so I'm sure it will just continue to get worse.

this trend is prob one of the dumbest on the internet!! idk why people do this or why they think its funny! maybe they feel like its there way to fit in society, lol

Precisely I think this is one of the main reasons

Funny style of writening bro. It always easy to put the blame one someone but in our times we are so many people living so many different storys of life...i can understand that to some people this whole technical things are ununderstandible and effecting them like magic, because of missing counciusnes...its importand to help each other out and share education. But in the other hand every body thinks he is a genius and is sharing mich bullshit so yeah...

I hope I haven't offend you buddy!

Honestly I think and I say openly that I am an asshole, I feel I am. I feel a complete ignorant of almost any subject of life, but I know a little bit about art, human behavior and training.

But we all gotta recognize that it is at least... peculiar that all these trends come from the same place.

No mate im absolutly not offended xD
Just like you i shared my oppinion. There is a reason why this "idiots" are there. They are made by the sytem which is constantly formed by very inteligent but narzistic and egoistic people which profit of these idiots. Sure you can put the blame on these idiots but if the system wont change there will always beeing produced new idiots.

This is my opinon which is just compliting domehow what you write in your good post

Oh man, I absolutely agree, I think I described earlier to @riganorib my point of view, and I believe this is because of the system. The system built them and they continue feeding it with their behaviors. So it's just a circle that repeats itself. A sad cycle.

Glad I’m so disconnected from this rediculous viral scene that this was my first time hearing about this nonsense. Good to see natural selection is still functioning on some level in the human realm.

writing is challenge work in a mans life.who are writer in future shine.
thank you for writing

Your story awesome..And your writing skill fantastic..

Nice information

This is what this thing was all about? Eating a laundry detergent!?

Holy shet!

Thanks for sharing this tho. It's been bothering me until now.

Is this really a thing!??

Sadly it is D: