
in #life8 years ago

Some say creativity is musings of the mad, I believe it's instinct that edges us towards a goal; some, channel this gift in serenity; others experience a spiraling cascade of unexpected twists and turns, abrupt drops and the depth loneliness… because, misplaced ambition to has a destination which may not be desired or expected. Life seems to be the sum of one's efforts woven into an entertaining dance.

(Daydreams of a human, witnessing the assimilation of experience and projection of intent)


When we speak of creativity, is it something that evolutionary biologists will say is a biologically necessary characteristic of the human species (something identifiable within the genome), or is it something far less tangible, or, something historians will call nothing more than a slightly cumbersome symptom of the human evolutionary period called adolescence?

Is creativity and the creative act the same thing? Are the painter, the urge to paint, and the painting itself all coincidentally related? Or is there a large pattern at work within the universe? The urge to create perhaps stems from our urge to find shelter, find ways to make shelter, find food, find ways to make tools to procure that food, and so on. The creative urge may not be the urge to paint exactly (in its kernel of origin in the human psyche)... but then again we are reminded over and over of those almost abstract animal renderings on that cave wall in France... and again and again we are reminded that it is the OLDEST known markings of humanity... and again we ask why? Why would those humans paint those animals that they most likely viewed as a food source and most likely had daily if not seasonal exposure to, year in and year out? Why would they be moved to render something that is (was) to our present knowledge something that was a normal constant in their daily lives?

Were they trying to preserve something for generation that they knew would not have the opportunity to learn of the hunt? Were they attempting to preserve what their world looked like in the face of some great cataclysm? Was it art for art sake? Creativity for creativity sake?

I'd say not. Art, or, the bi-product of base creativity can be a catch all term for that which has been created from available materials and which was not there before... The painter wants to paint the dance... only paints the dancer. The technologists wants to tap into and unite the human consciousness... creates the world wide web instead.

Creators always fall short of their mark. Creativity never does.

Point of my comment: great use of phrasing, word turns, subtle and new images and analogies for the mind and the act of creativity.

Cut the first 6 lines in half. Make new 6 lines from those cut edits. Trim the lines down to five beats per line. Add the 6 new lines into the paragraph's existing 8. Edit the post to contain 14 lines with roughly five beats per line. Turn this very well written and interesting thought into a Sonnet... or fix it for grammar and leave it as a quick thought. Brevity in essay form. Or Aphorisms we will call them. Philosophers work in the aphorism.

Abnormal cycles and unfathomable parallels; a duality that illustrates nothing is ever finished.

Is there anything more random than thought? Thank you for the well written, thoughtful comment!