This is true. We gotta win hearts and minds, not unlike any other struggle, and perhaps others will follow suite. I know that this users post is indicative of a larger problem with the rewards system and I'll venture to say human nature at large.
We may not have the power to solve the problem at the macro level directly like perhaps the witnesses could should they arrive at a consensus for a solution but we can certainly affect things at the micro level. Enough of us do this could lead to the snowball effect. Heck maybe the snowballs already rollin'.
Hopefully, @kaylinart is brought to reflect on the implications of this manner of posting and consider more thoroughly the quality of the post she is propelling to trending using her stake. Or maybe she really thinks this post is just THAT GOOD. If that be the case, don't think there is much that can be done.
To make quality, compassion, and teamwork infectious.
I'm there with you on that one. Even if we cannot make a large or noticeable difference right away, I like to believe that nothing is done in vain. To inspire one person, that in turn inspires three, and that person inspires five. When we look solely at our own efforts, it's easy to forget that lasting impacts do get made as well.
While it's in the rulez that everyone can use their stake as they please, we can't force anyone to do anything. Kaylin has a lot of talent and potential, all we can do is bring to attention that her amazing posts are the ones we want to see.