Nocturnal themed musical selections:
Today's entry:
I couldn't find the lyrics online, so I had to write them out myself.
When the sun comes up, I go down
And when the sun goes down, I get up
I don't wanna come down
Lunar, Connoisseur
I was raised on firefly brandy
I cut my teeth on pills and candy
Lunar, Connoisseur
Hot for a party like a jail in June
Pale as a ghost cuz I never see noon
Catch me in a fever and I'll hit you in the moon
I drive the rocket
Celebrate twilight, summer and dawn
I can never sleep with the nightlights on
Come-on pretty girl we'll be up -I'll bring it on
I drive the rocket
Lunar, Connoisseur
Follow me @anticleric for more nocturnal submissions