in #life7 years ago (edited)


You can not win a dramatic passage of your professional life. But you can do it, the rate.

There are very few easy and definitive solutions, do you know it? Especially if we talk about writing online.

It is true, however, that there are little tricks that can help overcome the writer's block. One of the jurors of the blogger and all those who love (or must) write.

Whether you are a professional copywriter or a blogging enthusiast, it does not matter: you have faced this opponent.

You must defeat it every day when you are facing the blank page. So, I'm sure, you'll appreciate the simple advice I'll describe to win the writer's block in the bud.

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I have already taught you the basic techniques on how to write a post on steem and I also revealed psychological triggers to leverage your readers; now, if you will allow me, I will teach you to overcome the writer's block, so that you will be sent to the success of your blog on Steem.

Let's go!

What is writer blocking: definition

I have the writer's block. What is it? It is a mental brake, which is to write.

Sometimes it looks like a total emptiness, you can not even say a word. The reaction? What you can easily imagine: anger and frustration. Often disenchantment.

Other times, however, this pathology manifests itself as a continuous return and go back: there is no beginning but only indecision.

As a result you can never close the article.

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Unlocking the writer's block is a duty because it is the danger of this work, it is the wound to be treated in view of the delivery. It seems impossible to solve, right?

Yet you can get out of the writer's block. The reason is simple: it's about your mind, about your indecision.

It is not a problem of creativity: if you have the writer's block, it means that you are already a good point and that you just have to find the creative vein. It actually seems easy, but it's damn hard.

The causes of creative writing block

To exit the writer's block you must start from the base, from the bottom. You have to understand what closes your psyche, in which junction the creativity stops and prevents you from writing well. The headlines lack power, the body of the post seems thin, the closures become trivial ... Why?

In the first place the problem lies in perfectionism. You would like to do more, you would like to please everyone, and you would do it in the best way. Unfortunately, the stress derived from this attitude takes you away and nails your eyes tired on the monitor: block of the incoming writer.

Learn to control and take advantage of emotional emotions, do not be overwhelmed by them.

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This is a complex topic because it refers to those that are the deepest fears, to the ancestral fears accumulated during the years of school. I do not think it's possible to solve your fears here, but you can identify the way they manifest.


Nervous? Worried? Needless to waste time: if you let yourself go to your emotional states you will not combine anything. This is because your mind will be in another place, focused on problems that go beyond writing. Meanwhile the cursor does not move and flashes on the blank page.

Mental tiredness

We have dealt with the dark sides of the psyche, but even simple mental exhaustion can stop you in front of the spreadsheet and trigger the writer's block. Precisely this reason pushes me to leave the desk. In some cases, therefore, one should even talk about digital detox.

Do you want to unlock the situation and win the writer's block? I understand you but start not to stigmatize your shortcomings, they are part of your being an artist, so of your being a web writer, blogger, copywriter.

The writer's block is not a fault but a characteristic of the creator.

For further information: SEO techniques adapted to online writing

How to overcome the writer's block

The causes are important, but they all want the answer to this question: how to overcome the writer's block, how to solve this brake that prevents you from completing the work and publishing the article. Here are the essential points.

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Remove the plug

How to overcome the writer's block? The first step to solve is to close the paper and do more. Anything other than writing. In many years spent in front of the PC you will have learned to play a minefield, right? Or maybe you can play chess.

Improve your mental state

You have to solve the problems and the anxieties that puncture that part of the brain dedicated to concentration. Some manage to take care of their pets, others with shopping, others still strumming some notes with the guitar.

How to get out of the writer's block? You simply need to find your size and feed the creativity with positive stimuli.


Physical movement can give a sponge stroke in the tired mind. I, to solve the writer's block, I go down the street and walk for at least 5 minutes among the people: you can also choose solitary walks in the parks or outside the terrace of the house, it is irrelevant.

Do not judge yourself

Or at least do not judge yourself too badly. They often ask me how to overcome the writer's block. The problem lies in the author who is too strict against him.

You can not write every day masterpieces worthy of Jack Kerouac or Steven King: if you are too demanding towards you risk the stall.

Take the freedom to write just for yourself and your audience.

You must be more permissive. You have to consider the idea of ​failing and not to please everyone. You can not and must not do it, you do not have to write for an indistinct mass of people. Trying to please every single individual on the face of the earth is the first way to fall into the writer's block.

Cropped phases of your life as a writer (even if you are a blogger, do not worry) to leave your creativity free, write without worries and maybe you will produce bad texts. It can happen, do not fear. But if you continue to restrain yourself only to avoid being judged, first of all by your paranoia, you risk collapse.

Furthermore, the only way to improve yourself in writing is to keep insisting on writing do not you think?

Change media

If you can not write anymore, it means that you only need to read (possibly something papery), listen to music or watch a movie.

In short, you need to do a little 'zapping between media content that stimulate your wits to win the writer's block permanently.

Distract yourself

If you can not frame your goal, and if all the advice you've read has served no purpose against the writer's block, then you just have to turn off the computer and postpone everything to tomorrow. You must allow the brain to dispose of the blocks that prevent you from continuing.

If it's not time you just have to unplug and do something else. You have to take advantage of the creative moments, leverage the habits that help you write better.

But do not be fooled by the procrastination tunnel!

Winning the block: your experience

These tips can be useful to 99% of readers but have no effect on you.

The only certainty that will succeed in helping you against the writer's block is the need to develop your own style. Do not wear the clothes of your myths and always be yourself when you write.

Do you agree with these tips? Do you also have to face the writer's block every single day? Damage your business?

Leave your experience in the comments, we must join forces and add value to this guide here on Steem!
