Life has not been easy at all espeecially with me, circumstances cmes up everyday that makes me shed tears in the secret, everyone looks at me as being an happy person, they wish theey had all that I have , they wish for a second that they could just be like me but the being within me cries aloud each day take all that I have and give me peace, and all will just be well with me.
How well can I even describe how cold life has been towards me and I am still the Lady who has to pretend that all is well with her, as I am not supposed to send the wrong signal at all to those outside about my predicament because of my reputation and the reputation of those around me.
From the beginning of my life, it has been a planned one, from the food I eat to the clothes I wear, down to my shoes , to the type of hair I make and then even to the type of friends I keep has all been planned out for me, I do not have the right to become friends with any one that has not been approved by my mother and he or she must be from a wealthy family as well, I was dropped off at school every morning in the family's limousine and it will be waiting for me right in front of my class room ten minutes before school closes, as such I do not have the chance to relate with other kids.Some kids in my class usually tells me that they wish they had half of what I have then they will be problem free to which I will just smile.
My boring life continued in that manner even up till my days in the university, all pleas to stay in the school hostel prooved abortive to my prents as i was made to go to school from home everyday, no parties, no socialization of any sort. Things began to change when I meet the love of my life who happened to be Charles in my final year in the university, Charles obviously loved me so much and I loved him back in return but the problem was if my Parents were going to grant our union a blessing because he is a son of a ''commoner''.
When I got home that day, my Mom said to me, darling get dressed we are expecting a guest, and I started wondering what that was for because I was dressed already, she went futher to say, I mean do not look casual put on that lovely gown I got for you from Austrelia, properly apply your make up and that lovely fragrance your Dad gave to you and a beautiful pair of shoe to match, my confused self asked, but Mom we are not leaving this house to which she replied, yes but we are expecting an important guest.
After some minutes her guest arrived and it was her childhood friend, Madam Glory with her son whom I have heard so much about , he studied in Lisbon and he was back home to get a wife was the song my Mom has been humming for days now, we welcomed them into our lovely home and we went straight to the dinning table, after having lunch as one big happy family and catching up on old times, our Parents excused us and we were left alone.
The last time I saw you you were two years old you are a big boy now to which he replied you have grown into a beautiful woman I must confess . Admist our discussion, my mum stepped in and she cut us shut, she said; I am sorry I have to interrupt your conversation you love birds(I was suprised by that name , but I didn't want to make unneccesary conclusions), Frank I am sure your Mum has told you about the wedding plans so my daughter, Frank is going to be your husband in some months time, at least you are going to be a graduate by next month so we have nothing to fear as you can do any other thing you wish to do after settling down with your husband.
It was as if someone just poured hot water on my head, as I looked at my Mum with anger and for the first time in my life I had the gods to question her judgement. Mum, look I am 23 years old and from the first day of my life you have always arranged it but you see on this one, i will not let you have your say, you cannot determine my future home, you cannot determine who I will live with for the rest of my life, don't you understand that he has to be my friend, my lover then my husband and not a stranger, mother what is the problem? you are my mother and not my God. I walked out of the living room into my room and I cried until I slept off.
The next morning, it was the call of my lover that woke me up and I had to explain all that went down to him, he was really sad about it but he adviced me to take things slow with my Mom as she will always remain my Mom. On my way to school the following day, my Mom stopped me and said, after all you said to me last night, I carried out my investigation, and I discovered that the reason why you have the right to question my judgment is because you are involved with a commoner, but let me warn you that son of a nobody will not marry my daughter, do you want to destroy the reputation I have built for years? you have to uphold the family standard, it is either Frank or nobody and if you want to proove sturrborn which i know you will try to do, then you will have to make the choice between me and my inheritance, and that nobody lover of yours to which I replied then I don't need to think about your offer, I will rather choose my lover from which I can get peace and freedom rather than your Inheritance that is filled with slavery and misery.
You have grown wings I must say, let's see then how you can survive without me. That is enough i heard my dad say, this is an important choice she needs to make and her happiness depends on this, how greedy could you be, how can you jeoperdise the happiness of your dughter for a meaningless friendship, to which my Mom sighed and walked out us, my Dad then said to me tell the young man I want to meet him.
Later that day, I returned home with Charles and my Mum gave a cold look at him, to which I re asuured him that all will be fine, he should calm down as all was under control. My Dad came downfrom his room almost immediately and said this must be charles, it is a pleasure to finally meet you my son, they had a long converstion and my Dad said you have my blessings.
Those words were the beggining of trouble for me at home as my Mum frustrated me at every slight opportunity she got.
So, my decision now is to move to a place of my own, at least rent an apartment, I have a job now through the connections of my Dad so I will just start a life there and then settle down with Charles when everything is in place, I do hope I am not making a mistake because I have never been away from home before.
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Hello, this is an interesting story. However, is this based on true events or a work of fiction?
Always look ahead, no matter how difficult things may be.