My psychologist was my dad's belt.
What is it with all this attention to bullying, which is, if you think about it, nothing else than harrasment?
I remember seeing an interview with Clint Eastwood in which he claimed to be, at his 60, watching a generation become pussy.
I dont know if he's right but im not gonna debate him.

What the cowboy star of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly alleges is that, previously, if someone had the intention to bully your ass you simply had to face him or them, and fight. Seeing everyone from a height of 1.93 meters (6,33 foot) must be less difficult than for Timmy: 1,50 (4.92), obese and lactose intolerant.
According to the fastest man alive with a revolver, after you defend your position, eventually bullies would leave you alone. I believe he has a point here. But let's get into it some more. What is a stalker (bully) looking for?
Isn't it obvious? The bullies look for attention, they become obsessed... I remember bullying someone in my class room, that is to say I treated him like shit, insulted him every time I saw an opportunity, and it generally resulted in a burst of laughter from my classmates.
There was the pleasure, I didn't give a shit about him, I just wanted to make my friends laugh. Actually almost everyone did bully him, it seemed as if he asked for it himself.
Bullying is not a problem of the harasser, but of the harassed one. What does this mean? That it should be fixed from the harassed, because it is the supposed "victim". You have to teach children to defend themselves.
I imagine that this is what Clint Eastwood meant with "The Pussy Generation". But we could not ask for a better expression of his thought, with his characteristic cold and ruthless spirit. In the end, we all know that what Mr. Eastwood wants most is to get people off of his lawn.

The problem was understood, that is, it went viral. Now everything is bullying, the Political Correctness wont even allow making jokes that offends people... What are we supposed to make jokes about? Mangoes?
Well I like mangoes modfucker I will relate to their anxiety and fight over their rights of being eaten without suffering any further psychological harm whatsoever.
So fuck PC.
The problem of the oppressor and the oppressed, the 1% versus the 99%, has worried the minds of philosophers for a long time. Due to the complexity of the issue, grave injustices have been committed in the name of articulated justice, that which exalts and hypnotizes so many young hearts with rethorical discourses...
And anything that has triumphed in the name of healing the problem of the oppressor, has ended up being worse than the disease. Those have been the promises of communism and Venezuelan socialism.
It is true that capitalism has many shortcomings, and as any ideological trend, deteriorates over time. I firmly believe that society is about to be transformed. In fact it is already being transformed, and not because there have been social campaigns of awareness or because things are so tolerated (well and poorly tolerated) today, but because the challenges imposed by the technological revolution merits such transformation.
This difficulty overwhelms us, and it is manifested in the abuse of natural resources, abuse of digital propaganda, the invasion of our privacy, the emergence of cryptocurrencies, the threat of a thermonuclear war...
Capitalism is behind all these problems, and not capitalism as a political system or as an economic system, but capitalism as a game of ideas, as a propeller of tendencies, as a system of human values.
Does it mean that money should disappear? That does not seem to be a feasible solution, in fact it is not even a solution.
I think it means that money must be displaced, it's time for money to occupy some other place in our minds. The idea of forming productive citizens able to contribute to the commercialization and production of merchandise was useful, and everything we have today is thanks to that.
And we have quite enough, so my point is we should not think of capitalism as a bad thing or as a rival. Capitalism is our master, who has left us the tools to overcome it.