Anyone can run a marathon!

in #life7 years ago

So a few months back I completed my first (and most likely last) marathon in 4:39 (this is not at all a good time), and just thought I should let you all in on a little secret – anyone can do it. Let me tell you why this is (you just have to first endure my sob story).

About two months before the marathon I was doing one of my “long runs” (21kms) and I completed this without too much trouble, apart from the fact that my right knee was now stuffed. I then tried to run again after this to find I couldn’t even go 2kms without getting sharp pain through my knee. I had just started a new job and moved to a new place and spent about 2 hours travelling each day so going to the Dr was not a possibility, I decided I would just give it some rest and see what happened.


As the weeks went on I kept trying to run to no avail so sort of ended up giving up, the long days and crappy weather got the better of me and I was eating poorly and hardly exercising - I had resigned to the fact that this marathon was going to suck.

Marathon day came around and the only thing right I had managed to do was carbo load (because any one can do that). I tapped both my knees up and got up at 4:30am to drive out to the marathon venue. The race started out non-eventful apart from the fact that my headphones had decided out of the blue to start crackling – which was a great start.
I ended up staying with the sub 4:00 pack until just past the 21km point and was feeling pretty good, I decided to take some advice of the internet and refuse to acknowledge any pain until at least half-way. I Started to slow down and then at about 26km my legs ceased up, from here it was pretty much hell.

From about the 26km to 37km point I was trudging along at a pace probably the same speed a walking and pretty much everyone was passing me. A dude who looked like someone you would see at the pub smoking and eating 6 bowls of wedges passed me, which as you can imagine is rather depressing for a young, tall lean(ish) male.

I manged to run the last 5kms as I made friends with someone I called greeny (she had a green top on) and got past the finish line just shy of 4:40hrs. I couldn’t really walk after and had very sore legs for days, but overall I was reasonably happy that I managed to get it done.

Seeing the people competing and knowing what training I did/didn’t do made me think how literally anyone could do it. Hell, it sucks I won’t deny that, but everyone always thinks oh there’s no way I could do a marathon when in fact it is well within everyone’s grasp.

I don’t want you to get the idea that I have a really good will power and that I ran through the pain because I’m awesome – I’m not and it doesn’t matter if you aren’t either. I can’t even stop myself from pulling into the shop to buy a chocolate bar on the way home.

Anyone can pay $100.00, get sent a race pack and reluctantly make their way to the start line, the only thing that takes any commitment is the training for it – which I didn’t really end up doing and honestly don’t think its that important if you’re not going for an amazing time.

Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Sign up to a marathon near you in the next 6 months.
  2. Tell everyone you know and post on Facebook so people hold you accountable (this is the only reason I ended up doing mine – I even ended up being interviewed by a women’s magazine).
  3. Try train (Hal Higgon has some good plans).
  4. Turn up on race day, hopefully finish.

So, if you feel like spending 4 – 6 hours in complete hell for the sake of finishing a marathon then I can recommend it. Just acknowledge this – No one remembers your marathon time, but they do remember that you did one.



What do you run normally? Your averages and distances?

Before this marathon I hadn't run at all for a while, I started doing 2 to 3km runs and then just slowly built them up generally running no more than 3 to 4 times a week. Now I don't run at all though haha - I actually haven't done any proper exercise in about 3 months!

wow, ok! I was thinking of doing one, once in my life and you make it look very easy, but I'm still unsure. I've never been a runner until a few years back, but the longest I've ran is 12k

I wouldn't say it's easy, just that it's achievable. I will send you the training program if you want that I used, it was a nice easy start into it :)

Yes please. I am considering doing a half-marathon at the moment. So maybe it's easier to just go for the full one

Sorry about the delay bud, training is in this post:
I hope you enjoy reading.

I read it, thanks and don't worry. I even replied. Seems a doable plan

Well done for finishing, you did well. I did my first half marathon about 3 weeks ago, I trained well for it and it all went good on the day. I’m doing my first marathon in April next year I hope it goes as well as the half. I’ve just started my 20 week training plan so fingers crossed. Im hoping to do it in about the same time as yours so wish me luck x

Awesome! Good luck and hopefully you stay injury free, if you wanted to check out what my training plan was you can find it here

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Thanks mate. Will do