[Dream Analysis] Using Dreams to Reveal Hidden Anxiety

in #life8 years ago

I became interested in recording my own dreams about five years ago when I had a spiritual awakening (which I’ve written about here) and discovered that dreams are full of meaningful guidance. Researching Near Death Experience’s during that time brought into my awareness that psychics and mediums might not be faking their claims to be able to communicate with spirit guides and deceased loved ones. My logic being that all NDE’ers report telepathy as the main form of communication while in a spirit state and many are able to retain some of that telepathic proficiency upon returning to their bodies.

I loved the idea of being able to have that sort of connection to divine guidance and decided that dreaming is the soul's most reliable channel of communication. Back then I used online dream dictionaries to help with interpretation but it became a huge pain because of how laborious it is to tie so many symbols together. I almost gave up but later found an amazing teacher with a formula for interpretation and now I know for a fact that I'm striking gold with my analysis’. The problem with all the dream dictionaries online is that they really don't give you a formula for separating health related dreams from spiritual gift related dreams; or relationship dreams from career related dreams. It's so much more fun to interpret dreams when you KNOW what the main theme of the dream is about!

Since dreams are very personal and are literally exposing our soul’s most important struggles I can’t exactly expect other people to let me expose them on steemit like that. I’ve decided, therefore, to do all of these dream posts using my own dreams. Yikes! I think it’s the best way to show others how I interpret dreams and also what one can do with their dreams’ guidance. All of my best self-work has been a result of the guidance I’ve obtained from dreams. I’m so close to enlightenment you guys … I can feel it. 😊

This first dream is from July 2015. I think most of my dreams will be older because it gives me more objectivity and perspective when I write about them.

Children holding me back from making flight

(it’s always a good idea to title your dreams)

“I was going to the airport for a trip but a bad weather storm was reported in the forecast for Hawaii and I knew it was important to make it on time. Of course the children I was with were holding me back. I couldn't get my daughter (who was chubby and blonde but isn’t in reality) to listen to me and I was desperately yelling for her to hurry. I was even pulling her hair to get her to look me in the eye from the stage she was laying on! The group didn't wait up and we were left behind.”

The theme of this dream is ‘heart/emotions’ which is symbolized by the island of Hawaii. An island, being a separate land mass, represents keeping ones feelings and emotions suppressed or separate from others and even sometimes ourselves. All of the other details of this dream will be relating to my heart somehow.

Air represents the mind and so a storm indicates depression or conflict. It was reported in the forecast so the dream was indicating that this would be happening sometime in the near future. ….Fun! 😞

“The children” were holding me back in this dream. The first rule of dream analysis is that you are everything in the dream so everything must be representing something about yourself. In this case, it’s not my actual children holding me back but my inner child that is the issue.

The child in the dream is basically not paying any attention to my begging her to go to the airport with me - this is symbolic of my awareness, at the time, of my need to work on this issue. The airport represents the beginning of a new aspect of my life journey. In the dream I felt extremely anxious, impatient, powerless and eventually was abandoned. These feelings are all being tied to my damaged inner child and are the issues that are holding me back, and affecting my heart in reality.

I now know that feelings of anxiety and impatience are tied to a desire to control (which stems from feeling powerless) and fear of being abandoned (which happened in childhood and this dream). Hair represents our thoughts, as both are produced by our head (dreams speak in pun and metaphor). The emphasis on trying to get the child to look me in the eye by pulling her hair is symbolic of my soul or higher self trying to draw my attention to the quality of my thoughts and instructing me to access my clairvoyance and intuition, which is blocked by these issues..

The guidance here is to look into inner child healing work. The color blonde is significant as beige represents the need for tolerance and acceptance. Blonde hair, therefore, means I should train my thoughts to be more tolerant and accepting. Tolerance and acceptance is more in line with a ‘go with the flow’ philosophy and is a direct counter to a desire to control others or the outcome of uncertain situations.

At the time of this dream I doubt I identified as anxious or high strung. My feelings were so suppressed I was somewhat blind to them and certainly didn’t want others to see that I felt stressed out or overwhelmed. Of course, an impatient person eventually snaps in trying situations and this dream was telling me that I was in store for a bought of depression unless I chose to notice and address these issues head on.

It's interesting how we can't see things about ourselves that are often completely obvious to others. Or, we might not realize there are alternative and much more pleasant ways of experiencing life if we work on fixing our perspective rather than attempting to forcefully reshape external reality to our liking.

I'm happy to say that this is one layer of self-work that has been peeled away and largely worked on. I'll likely write about how I did that in another post.

If you would like me to analyze your dreams, please them to DreamAnalyze.me with your @username if you would like to see them on steemit!

All the best!


April, I'm also very much into writing down my dreams and analyzing them the next day, even looking back to old entries and using hindsight to confirm or refute my previous conclusions. I read a dictionary sized book—a transcription of Jung's Seminar on Dream Analysis—which was wildly interesting to me and I've been heavy into my dream world ever since... I think that was about ten years ago. Woah, I'm old.

Anyway, in that book I remember him talking about a particular appearance of a child in a patient's dream who represented a project that person had begun some years ago.. the precise age of the child. Considering the idea that we are able to create projects, write books, start businesses, etc. by uniting our masculine and feminine energies, it makes sense that a child would be the offspring of that union. Then considering how much attention a "new-born" project requires compared to an endeavor maybe 15 years old, which pretty much can stand on its own, the symbolism seems perfectly fitting.

I've had many realizations thinking of dream children in this way, so I thought I'd share the insight. Keep doing what your doing. The possibilities—when working with the symbolic imagery in our lives—are endless.

here, but plan on sharing some of my dream stuff here too. I find it so strangely alive, poetic, and inspiring. Feel free to follow me if you're interested. Sweet Dreams :)I just joined @Steemit, you can read my introduction

Hi Aubrey! Thanks for sharing your insights, I'm happy to met a fellow dream enthusiast/analyst!

Children in dreams, according to the Michael Sheridan Method (he's letting me name it that, he's my mentor/teacher) represent our own inner children. If the child is a certain age it will be representing us at the age of the child in our dream. Babies will represent something we are responsible for (this could be a project) and/or us as a baby (very often its a virtue or spiritual gift we are meant to be sharing with others). The reason for this is because much of our conditioning takes place in very early childhood and adolescence (I've even seen past lives and in-utero influence show up in dreams). The reason the dream points out our conditioning is so that we can work on it in the dream state as well as bring awareness of it into the waking state for healing here.

Pregnancy in dreams will represent something that we are being asked to develop within ourselves. Birth will show that this development has been a success. etc.

I'd love to see your dreams! Heading your way now for the follow. 😊

Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? The process is really amazing and fun, if you already record or journal dreams, that is a big part of helping one lucid dream. Your post made me remember how awesome doing that is. Thank you for sharing your dream analysis as well as offering it to others, very neat.

Hi, @cryplectibles, Yes! I've only managed to lucid dream twice in the last five years. Both times I knew I could ask people inside the dream what part of myself they represented. Both times I encountered someone whose eyes flashed dark when I asked this question and then they stopped talking to me. I have learned since that these individuals were actually my guides playing roles within my dream (all of us have guides who will do this - you can identify a guide by the fact that they will be noticeably taller, speak with authority or have some sort of title in the dream ie.. police officer, bus driver, dry cleaner etc..). My guides, apparently, wanted me to learn how to analyze my dreams myself so when I probed for information they removed themselves from the matrix, to keep me from cheating. The information I was able to get from one grandma-type lady, of course, was the only part of the dream I wasn't able to remember upon waking.

In the most memorable of the two lucid dreams, I dreamt that I went back to sleep inside the dream and then ran around happily telling everyone that I'd "reached the second level!" (a Robert Moss term). So funny. I'd love to lucid dream again. I'd be much more adventurous.

Maybe I should analyze that lucid dream on steemit. Hmmmmm...

Amazing stuff, looking forward to reading these on a regular basis!

I learned about dream anaylsis from reading some Edgar Cayce book (forget which one). It took me a year if searching for a dream interpretation book that resonated with my own dream experiences. Basically, I dug in deep for a while. Your process is like mine. The symbols are personal. I always ask myself, "How did I feel in when that image or symbol happened?" The answers define my personal symbology library. Everyone's is personalized to their own perceptions.

I haven't been recording well enough to analyze lately. I went through what you could call a dark night of the soul that lasted years and fell away from it. I really want to get back into it, and have been trying, but now I have my significant other living with me and find it harder to get them recorded without disturbing him. I really see value in it though, so perhaps I'll figure an updated process out in time.

I can personally attest to the benefit of downloading an app to your phone to record dreams (there are lots to choose from). I co-sleep with a baby and had to ditch the pencil and paper method a few years ago. This way I can keep the lights off and still get all of my thoughts and memories recorded in the middle of the night or morning. Many apps don't save your dreams if you update your phone though so make sure you email them to yourself if you go this route.

Excellent! I hadn't thought to look for an app, duh! Without yet looking, I imagine there are quite a few. (heads off to check out apps)

Yay! Dreammoods was the first app I ever used. I eventually switched to one called Dream Diary. The Dream Diary app allows me to email myself all the dreams I have on the app in one fell swoop whereas Dreammoods would take ages to email them one-by-one (I'd often get back logged). Apps also make it super easy to email your dreams to professional dream analysts too. Wink 😉

Shameless self promotion, I love it!

Who said anything about shameless? 😱

That's my next hurdle to unravel. 😉

Thanks, I'll try one out.