I did ayahuasca in Peru too! I would LOVE to have the clairvoyance I experienced during those few hours. I had no idea what to do with the symbols as they seemed to be responses to the sounds I was hearing around me. My boyfriend at the time was there and was being physically active whereas I couldn't even open my eyes, let alone get up. When he spoke, the feelings and responses I had didn't make sense but felt lovely. He was saying it was time to go home and I was like "we ARE home" "there's no such thing as time" and I was laughing (in a weird way because my body was so distant) but was completely agnostic at the time and had no idea that these concepts were very high level truths that were being gifted to me.
I'd love to do it again with my current awareness. And I'd love to hear your experiences as well.
lol I love this:
I felt similar things. The most evident to me were 1) I am a child when compared to greater spectrum, 2) everything is interconnected and our physical reality is interwoven with the spiritual realm that I was experiencing consciously at the time, and 3) the earth is important and the peruvian shamans were my ancestral connection to it. In that I also saw the image of a tree with the Peruvians being the roots and extending into me (the trunk).
I also really do want to go again and I know I will!
The Peruvian roots, brilliant! I loved these insights.