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RE: Do you have questions about the meaning of your DREAMS? I'll answer/interpret in the comments section! [Week 1]

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I feel you with mundane reality. My character is one that has lots of motivation some days and very little on others. Waxing and waning. I ENJOY getting the house organized and clean on certain days. I DREAD unloading the dishwasher on others. I've noticed that the more I unload my conditioning (and find myself inching closer to enlightenment) the less awful mundane activities are on the 'don't wanna' days. I think ultimately we reconnect with the joy of existence and even counting grains of rice becomes a joy because you can get so 'in the now' that you are one with it. I'm guessing that this has a lot to do with dropping every other concern, belief or hurt and letting go totally into the exact moment with 100% focused attention. Life can be a breathing meditation when we give all of our attention to the tasks we resist (and thus stop resisting them). We can even begin to see it as a loving service to ourself or others. Making coffee can be an act of meditative appreciation. Not because coffee is good for us necessarily, but beceause we are giving ourself the gift of a pleasurable drinking experience. Coffee is such a nice morning ritual. It's not a healthy one (for me anyway - doesn't exactly stop me) but it's a gift of experience. Folding laundry sucks but the gift is the peace of mind that comes with organized drawers. I'm starting to motivate myself to declutter right now, ha! There would be less 'stuff' to do if i had less stuff that needed attention.

The difference between chopping wood before and after enlightenment is the lack of resistance to it in the latter.

Sometimes lack of joy comes from never doing anything OTHER than these mundane things. My dreams tell me to be more adventurous with my time here. I used to travel all over the world in my 20's now that I'm almost 40 with 2 kids (9&2) I barely get out to go to Target. That's my own fault. I have the power to create whatever life I want. So I'm gonna. :)

And it has to start with realizing that writing every day and taking care of my daily tasks is how I'll acquire the resources to make it happen.